Scorpio x Taurus | Aries x Virgo

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Taurus P.O.V - 6:24pm - September 9th, 2019

Scorpio and I were at the food court.  I had finished my chicken wings and started eating the chili cheese fries me and Scorpio were "sharing" while Scorpio was finishing the last 1/4 of his cheese burger.

Scorpio: Taurus? you remember the sharing food rule

Me: when I share I have to leave at least 1/3 of whatever I'm sharing for the other person

Scorpio: GOOD can continue eating

I ate a little bit more......I have a crush on Scorpio so whenever I share with him I leave 1/2 instead of 1/3 so we have an equal split....which means yes I took time to count the fries while I ate my wings so I would be exact.

Me: *pass the fries to Scorpio* h-here Scorpio

Scorpio: thanks *eats some then stops and looks at me* I've been meaning to ask you something for a really long time

Me: what

Scorpio: will you be my girlfriend *smirks* I've loved you since the middle of 2nd grade

Me: *blushes a deep red* I never thought you would's all I've ever wanted.....yes I'll be your girlfriend

Scorpio stood up and walked over to me.  He pulled my chair out and I stood up.  He pulled me to his chest and I thought he was gonna hug me, but instead he kiss me so I quickly kiss him back.  It was soft, but passionate like he was afraid to break me, but he really wanted this.  We finally pulled back for air.  He looked at me and I blushed.

Scorpio: your so cute when you blush

I looked over and saw a BEAUTIFUL sunset.

Me: Hey look a sunset

Scorpio: it's so ugly......I hate sunsets

Me: your so cute when you hate the world

Scorpio: I don't hate you (A/N: if you get that reference you're awesome)

Me: I love you too

Scorpio: let's go back to the gang

Aries P.O.V

Me and Virgo were playing PvP on Minecraft.  It was just me and her she was almost dead, until she drunk a potion of healing and one shot me with her bow.

Virgo: YEAH BABY *starts dancing*

Me: You just got lucky

Virgo: lucky enough for me to WIN

Me:'s not like it matters anyway

I looked over and Virgo was dancing......really well actually.  She spun around then lost balance and feel landing on top of me.  When she noticed were she landed she freaked out.

Virgo: OMG I'M SO SORRY *tries to get up*

I held her in place....if I was gonna do it why not now...while we're in the moment.

Virgo: *blushes* A-Aries?

I brushed a single strand of her beautiful black hair out of her face so I could see her gorgeous slivery eyes better.  I finally leaned in and kissed her, she finally kiss back soft and sweet.  Even though that's the way Virgo likes it wasn't enough for me so I deepened the kiss turning it into a more passionate and rough kiss.

Capricorn: *walks in and sees us* oh *blushes and walks back out*

We finally pulled back for air panting softly.  Then I chucked.

Me: looks like Capricorn got a whole eye full of us

Virgo: *blushes then giggles* yeah

Me: sssooo....wanna be my girlfriend......and my date for the party

Virgo: yes times a million *gets off me and helps me up* FYI I'm sorry for crashing into you

Zodiac High Book 1: To Save The Air KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now