Rooms | Meeting People | A Date ??!

393 11 2

(A/N: Zodiac High. It's also a Boarding School)

Aries P.O.V - 8:30 am - September 9th, 2019

All 6 of us (Aries, Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, Libra, and Sagittarius) had already gotten our rooms and were now waiting in the lounge of the 12th floor (where all the Zodiac's rooms are) for the other 6 to get here.

-20 minutes of lounging later-

Finally the other 6 people arrived.  2 guys and 4 girls.  I recognized 1 of them.  The girl with Black hair and Silvery was Virgo.  I haven't seen her since 6th grade.

Me: V-Virgo

Virgo: ARIES

Girl: You know him

Virgo: OH RIGHT...Aries this is Taurus, Taurus this is Aries BE FRIENDS NOW *picks up her bag and skips off happily*

Me: hi

Taurus: *looks me up and down then gives me a death glare* mhm *picks up her bag and walks off followed by the others she came in with*

Libra: what's up with that chick

Me: beats's like she controls them

Gemini: that's so not cool

Leo: she's kinda hot thou

Gemini: *is jealous and storms off her room*

Sagittarius: guys wanna head downstairs to the cafe

Scorpio P.O.V

-after everyone's room was set up-

I walked down the hall and found the others in the lounge

Me: Hey guys I think I saw a cafe downstairs wanna go

Pisces: I'm down

Taurus: same

Cancer: *nods*

Capricorn: *gives me a thumbs up since she's texting with the other hand*

Virgo: kk

As we were walking downstairs I couldn't help but notice the way Taurus was walking with her arms folded.  She seemed kinda angry.

Me: *whispers to Taurus* what's wrong

Taurus: *whispers back* Don't tell Virgo......I'm glad she's friends with that Aries guy, but he gives off bag vibes that I want nothing to do with......and Virgo wants us to be friends and I don't want to upset her

Scorpio: *whispers to Taurus* oh...I see......just stay away from his that way your not being rude but you still have nothing to do with him

Taurus: *whispers back* good idea thanks

We finally arrived at the cafe.  We ordered our drinks and sat down

Virgo: I'm gonna go sit with Aries and his friends if that's okay

Taurus: that's fine

Virgo: okay by *skips off happily*

Then my old friend Leo came over taking Virgo's place.

Me: everyone this is Leo, Leo this is Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, and Pisces

Leo: Taurus

Taurus: *looks up from her phone* yeah

Leo: are you a pillow

Taurus: what

Leo: cause I can see you in my bedroom (ThatApolloKid LilFandomGirl)

Taurus: ewww *laughs*

Capricorn: dear god *laughs*

Cancer: that was so bad

Pisces: I can't even

Leo: Hey you can't blame a guy for trying

Me: *growls* yeah you can

Aries and a girl with pink hair came over and Taurus almost ran out the cafe.

Aries: sit down Taurus


Me: Taurus......please

Taurus: fine *sits down*

Aries: one this is Aquarius

Aquarius: Hey

Aries: I heard you guys agreed to stay over the weekend......well we did too so me and the others are gonna set up a party and some games in the you guys can come if you'd like......oh you too Taurus

Taurus: I'll pass

Pisces: but it won't be the same...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TAURUS PLEASE

Taurus: NO

Me: pppllleeeaaassseee

Taurus: fine only for you

Then the 10:30 bell rang telling everyone on the 12th floor it was time for our first class

Taurus: YAY MATH

-in class-

Mrs. Martin: blah blah blah 16 blah blah blah

I looked around the room to see Pisces and Cancer drawing anime characters.  Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn taking down everything that was on the board while quietly talking.  Aries and Aquarius planning the party....or a prank......or both.  Gemini and Libra were passing notes. Sagittarius was looking confused and asking questions like every other problem causing Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn to kill him with their eyes for stopping Mrs. Martin from writing.  Leo was sleeping and snoring really loudly.

Me: *taps Leo on the shoulder* psst Leo

Leo: *wakes up* what

Me: I'm bored

Leo: duh why do you think I was sleeping

Me: I woke you up so I wouldn't be bored alone

Leo: I don't know how Capricorn, Sagittarius, Taurus, and Virgo do it

Me: huh

Leo: You know paying attention in class

Me: *chuckles* unlike the rest of us they care about their future or they don't expect their dreams to just happen so they work for it

Leo: they're gonna be something one day

Me: yeah

Leo: You think that Taurus chick digs me

Me: she'll dig your grave after murdering you

Leo: ha ha whatever



-Time skip to lunch-

Aquarius P.O.V

A the students from the 12th floor were sitting at one table.  The cafeteria was on the 1st floor so all the students from every four were here but it seemed like they were all staring at us and to make it worse they were all whispering so it's like we were freaks.  It made it really hard to enjoy lunch.

Aries: ummm me and Aquarius added something to the party

Scorpio: *death glares us*

Me: You have to bring a date

Aries: they have to be on the 12th floor

Me: guys ask girls

The others: A DATE

Zodiac High Book 1: To Save The Air KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now