Cancer x Pisces | Aquarius x Sagittarius

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Pisces P.O.V - 4:50 pm - September 9th, 2019

The whole gang were on the elevator to the 12th floor.......things were kinda awkward after finding out you had to bring a date. Once we got to the lounge we all did our homework with small talk.

Aquarius: sssoooo ummm one thing we didn't tell you is Aries already asked me to the party

Taurus: I'm surprised you said yes to that turd in mens clothing

Aquarius: I actually said no



Everyone: *laughs*

Aries: they Taurus what's that in your hair I think it's UGLINESS


Taurus: oh you mean the same thing all over your face


Aries: well......well your stupid

Taurus: boy please your so stupid you couldn't even come up with a good come back to that minor insult I throw at you.....and I'm done all my homework first *picks up her finished work, flips her hair, and struts off to her room all sassy like*

Me: Dang Daniel back at it again with the horrible come backs

Everyone: *laughs*

Aries: she only acts like that because she's so madly in love with me

Taurus: *from her room* NOT EVEN IN TAYLOR SWIFT'S WILDEST DREAMS *walks out of her room* who wants to go to Starbucks

Scorpio: *finishes homework* I'm down

Taurus: anyone else

The Others: nope

After Scorpio abd Taurus left everyone giggled. Taurus was talking about going to Starbucks earlier and everyone from my squad knows Scorpio is madly in love with Taurus. So yes some of us did want to go but it was our plan to set them up because ever since he met Taurus she's always been around us they've never really been alone. If he doesn't ask her to be his girlfriend he'll at least ask her to be his date for the party which is close enough.

Me: do you think he'll ask her

Capricorn: I know he will

Cancer: cause if he doesn't I'll pound him

Virgo: well who else is he gonna ask

Aries: every book I've ever read involving Zodiac's Pisces and Scorpio always end up together

The Squad: ha ha ha nnnooo

Honestly I have the hots for Cancer. The way his blonde hair flows, how his blue eyes sparkle, how beautifully he draws, and how easily I can draw him. I found myself zoned out staring at Cancer's lips. He winked at me abd I turned away and blushed, but he was right next to me and saw.

Cancer: *whispers to me* what's up cutie

Me: *blushes*

Cancer: *whispers* wanna be my date for the party

Me: *squeals* yes

Cancer: cool

Taurus P.O.V

Scorpio and I were now in Starbucks. We ordered our drinks and as I was about to pay Scorpio stopped me.

Scorpio: let me pay

Me: ummm....I can at least pay for my drink

Scorpio: about you pick a seat

Me: *blushes*

I went and picked the seats closest to the door. Scorpio came over with our drinks, put them on the table, and sat down.

Scorpio: I saw the carnival down the street want go

Me: ummm duh......that sounds AWESOME

My drink started to make my hands cold so I reached for a napkin when my hand landed on something warm. I looked up to see Scorpio unknowingly had his hand on top of the napkins and now my hand was on top of his

Scorpio: *blushes* uuuuuuhhhhhhh......s-sorry

Me: i-it's Scorpio

Scorpio: yeah

Me: *moves hand* can I have a napkin please

Scorpio: OH YEAH *moves hand* s-s-sorry

Me: let's take our drinks to the carnival

I walked outside and the chilled fall breeze blew past. I should have brought my jacket. Then suddenly a huge jacket wrapped around me.

Scorpio: here

Me: I didn't even sh-shiver

Scorpio: I just know when your cold

I looked at him and he was just looking off in the distance. That gave me the chance to observe how the cool wind was blowing his luscious hair back, how the light captured his light brown eyes perfectly, and how kissable his lips looked ALL THE TIME....wait did my brain just take me there...ummm to far.

Scorpio: let's go *starts walking*

Scorpio P.O.V

-at the carnival-

They were playing dubstep at the carnival. I knew Taurus was a huge fan of dubstep. Which is why I didn't look at her crazy when she started making wired whooping sounds. We went on a series of roller coasters and then got some food. As we were walking to the food court I couldn't stop thinking about her response to what I was about to ask her.

Sagittarius P.O.V

I starred at the pink haired girl as she struggled with her last page of homework. She was the last one in the lounge and I had offered my help, but she refused. So a sat there pretending to read the first book of the twilight series which anyone that really knows me knows I would never read. I continued to "read" this dumb trash until she finally cracked.


Me: the answer is 5


Me: yeah

Aquarius: knowing you I guess I owe you something now....what is it

Me: your gonna be my date for the party

Aquarius: oh that's not that bad

Me: *raises an eyebrow at her*

Aquarius: NONONOIDIDN'TMEANITLIKETHAT......I just ment it's better than going with Aries

Me: I bet

Us: *laugh*

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