The Couples | The Party

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Okay so that I don't just have 4 chapters about people hooking up the couples are.

Aries x Virgo

Aquarius x Sagittarius

Cancer x Pisces

Capricorn x Leo

Gemini x Libra

Scorpio x Taurus

Now onward with the story....P.S pls comment which couples should be changed

Capricorn P.O.V - 5:30pm - September 13th, 2019

It's finally Friday which means PARTY TIME.  All the girls were gathered in Gemini's room because Gemini and Taurus had the best fashion sense and so we were all picking outfits.  We've also planned to have a S.A.N.S (Saturday All Nighter Sleepover).  The sleepover will last all weekend, but we're just gonna stay up until 7:00am on Saturday.

Taurus: we look......AMAZING

Us: *giggle and squeal* 😁😁😝

Then there was a knock on the door.  Taurus opened the doors and presented the guys.

Leo: Capricorn don't you look like one fine day piece of a-

Cancer x Pisces: LANGUAGE LEO

Leo: I was gonna say adorableness *in a sassy tone* THANK YOU VERY MUCH

Gemini: can we just go

Sagittarius: Aries has alcoholic beverages in the lounge fridge that needs to be gone by Monday

Everyone (not Pisces): *cheers*

We finally exited Gemini's room and entered the lounge it looked amazing.  Then Aries plugged his phone into a speaker and turned on "Panda" by designer.  Aries told us to sit in a circle.  He walked out and came back in with a empty glass bottle and an evil smirk on his face.

Aries: we're gonna play 7 minutes in heaven

Taurus: then why do you have a bottle stupid

Aries: because we're gonna spin the bottle abd who ever it lands on you do 7 minutes in heaven with dumb dumb

Aries joined the circle.  I spun first and the bottle landed on Aries WHY HAVE YOU FAILED ME BOTTLE.  Aries helped me up and then dragged me to the closet.  We stood there in silence for about 8 seconds until Aries smashed his lips into mine.  I tried to force myself to kiss back, but I couldn't keep up.  So I pulled at his hair just a tiny bit.

Aries: mhm *starts to kiss down my neck*

Me: I couldn't keep up wi--- HEY no hickeys...cover up make up isn't really my thing

Aries: *chuckles* I'll try *continues to kiss me*

Then the closet started to open so I pushed him off of me and walked out like nothing happened.  I went and sat back in the circle between Libra and Leo making the circle turn into a boy, girl, boy, girl pattern.  Taurus spun the bottle and it landed on Scorpio.....I've been in the closet with Scorpio before.  Let's just say she's one lucky girl.

Zodiac High Book 1: To Save The Air KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now