In The Closet | Party Life

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Scorpio P.O.V - 6:35pm - September 13th, 2019 - Chapter 1: In The Closet

The bottle landed on me.....YES.....don't mess up Scorpio.


Taurus: s-shut up Virgo

Taurus and I walked into the closet. Leo shut the door behind us with a smirk and a wink. Then it was just Taurus and I. I cupped her left cheek into my hand, put her right thigh on my hip, got really close to her face, smirked, and said.

Me: why so red Tau

Taurus: y-you're really close

Scorpio: I like being close to beautiful you

She stuttered and tried to find words, but I cut her off with a kiss. I asked for entrance and she gladly gave it to me. I explored her mouth then just rubbed my tongue against hers. She moaned slightly and I chuckled into the kiss. Then I picked her up allowing her wrap her legs around my waist.

Taurus: *panting* h-how much time do we h-have

I heard footsteps and I quickly kiss Taurus one more time then put her down.

Me: *holding Taurus and stroking her hair* our lips will meet again my princess

Then Virgo and Cancer opened the closet. Cancer was crying and Virgo was happy dancing. Taurus and I walked out the closet and everyone was so happy......except Leo.

Taurus: what's up with you guys

Everyone (but Cancer, Leo, and Pisces): TAURPIO

Cancer + Pisces: NO IT'S SCORUS

Leo: whatever

Gemini: Leo's mad because he has a thing for Taurus

Taurus: the only thing I have for Leo is a knife

Everyone started laughing and Leo ran out. Then Taurus ran after him. He better not be stupid with her.

Leo P.O.V - 9:11pm - Chapter 2: Party Life

I was walking down the hallway. I know that I'm amazing, but girls can really make you question that sometimes. I continued walking, but I was stopped by a hug from behind

Taurus: I was joking please don't be mad......c-come back Leo

I knew she loved me. I turned around, pushed her into the wall, and held her wrists above her head.

Me: I knew it Scorpio could never get the girl I want

Taurus: what

Me: your only with Scorpio to make me I right

Taurus: WHAT NO.....I......I LOVE SCORPIO

Me: *let's go of Taurus and turns away* why did you come to find me.......NOW I'VE MADE A FO-


Me: we're friends

Taurus YES....the only person I dislike is Aries

Me: I can't see why

Taurus: good your dumb....jk......let's go

Taurus and I stepped back into the party. It had gone crazy Aries and Virgo were completely naked on the lounge balcony. Cancer and Pisces were giggling and taking shots. Gemini and Libra were in the corner grinding and making out. Scorpio was on the corner with his hoodie on and no shirt under it death glaring everyone. Aquarius and Sagittarius were starting a dance battle against Capricorn so I ran over to dance against them with her.

Capricorn: thanks Leo *bro fists me*

Taurus P.O.V

I took 3 shots, then poured two more one for Scorpio and I, then I walked over, and gave Scorpio his shot while I took mine.

Me: *traces tiny circles on Scorpios abs while talking in her flirty voice* why you gotta death glare everybody Scorp

Scorpio: *takes his shot* Gemini was saying that Leo was gonna steal you from me

Me: never........Lions aren't my style

Scorpio: lol......wanna dance

Me: yeah

I pulled Scorpio onto the dance floor and we danced to no broken hearts by Bebe Rehxa. We danced some more, but in the morning I was asking how we end up here,.....but I guess that's just what the party life does to you

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