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Aries P.O.V - 8:42pm - October 6th, 2019 - Chapter One: Kidnapped

I wasn't tried so I was just walking around I was gonna take someone with me, but honestly at this time of night the only person I don't hate right now is Virgo, but she goes to bed early.  I was alone in the middle of nowhere my squad was at the crossover hanging out with the dark side squad,......but I didn't want to have to look at Taurus and her anger.  I looked at her yesterday and she almost killed me with her eyes.  She's such a bitch....WAIT WHERE'S THE CENSORING.  I'd walked for so long I forgot to pay attention to my surroundings.  When I looked up I saw an air Temple looking thing, with monsters in cages (in that picture above), and surrounded by mutants lucky all 12 of us one have our element powers, two have mastered mind messaging, and three teleporting.  I was about to mind message the others when something inside me told me I could do it alone.  I ran up to the temple and launched a fire ball at a group of mutants.  Suddenly I was surrounded they were clawing and biting at me I was fighting my hardest, but it wasn't enough.  One of them tripped me up and another grabbed my ankle in such a way were if I moved my ankle it would snap.


I looked back to see a girl running towards me with an earth sword......VIRGO YES.  She jumped up and sliced the mutants hand off sending me plummeting to the ground.


I did my best to shift so I'd land on my feet, but I failed and landed on my face.....damn it.  Then Virgo ran by basically at the speed of light and grabbed me by the elbow, but CONTINUED TO RUN causing me to trip multiple times, but I finally got my balance,.........but not my pride 😭😭😭I'M BEING SAVED BY A GIRL.  I looked at vir.........WAIT THAT'S TAURUS......MY PRIDE NOW NOT ONLY AM I BEING SAVED BY A GIRL, BUT THAT GIRL IS TAURUS.

Taurus: I can hear your thoughts shut up and focus on not not living

Me: I'd rather be kidnapped than saved by you

Then suddenly I was shot with something from behind and everything went black.

Taurus P.O.V

I'm not a bad person for continuing to run after Aries passed out you heard what he said plus I hate him anyway it took everything in me to not slice off his ankle instead of the mutants hand and say sacrifices must be made.  I finally lost them......and the direction of home in the process so I continued aimlessly walking, but then I saw.....a boy......wait


We ran to each other and he embraced me in a hug, but then his grip tightened around my left arm and he pulled back.  He started to violently choke me.

Me: S-Scorpio

Were the last words I managed to whimper before everything started fading into darkness.  Then I saw it "Scorpio" shifted into a mutant.....I'm so fucked.  Then I blacked out

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