Camping | Can't Stop Being Cute | The War Of The Fields

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Gemini P.O.V - 11:40AM - September 14, 2019 - Chapter One: On The Beach

I opened my eyes,...but something wasn't right I felt soft lips on mine.  I looked up to see Leo.  I pulled away and backed up a soft blush daring to show itself.

Me: what the hell Leo I thought you a-and Capricorn are a thi-

Leo: nope.....she seems to be taking a liking to Libra

I looked over to see Capricorn and Libra doing the tango or music just dancing and giggling.  I looked back at Leo....Capricorn doesn't deserve him....I've known him for so long while Capricorn has only known him for a day.  I guess my mind was so filled up with my ranting I couldn't take it just slipped.

Me: I love you


Me: what....n-no I didn't say anything

Leo: so I've played the player


Leo: so you love me.....whatever it's not that bad considering the fact that I only asked out Capricorn to make you jealous and regret saying yes to fyi I love you to

Me: *in shock* hvjvyucujcux

Leo: come on know Gemini.....speak English please

Me: ummm

Leo: so....I now claim you as my girlfriend and Geo or Lemini as a canon ship

Libra: good to know cause me and Capricorn were afraid to tell you that Lapricorn is canon.

Scorpio P.O.V - 12:03PM - Chapter Two: Can't Stop Being Cute

I love nature.  Cancer, Taurus, Pisces, Virgo, and I were all in the huge field we found in the middle of the woods.  All of my squad, but Capricorn were here so we took her bag and set up her stuff once we were done with ours.  We claimed it as the field of emotions because everyone in my squad has some deep emotions.  We always bottle it up and then never know what to do when we crack.  It's a good thing we have each other.  We can all relate and help each other out. We finished with Capricorns stuff and sent sent Virgo to go get her.  Virgo was back in no time so we showed her were we put her stuff and then decided to all hangout and play fkm (f***, kill, marry)

Taurus: um...Libra, Gemini, and Pisces

Me: that's easy I'd kill Libra, f Gemini and marry Pisces

Everyone ended up agreeing we got a good laugh out of Pisces agreeing to marry herself Pisces x Pisces

Cancer: so Scorus

Capricorn: you mean Taurpio

Virgo: we mean how are things going


Pisces: Scorpio...?


Cancer: details

Taurus and I: NO

Pisces: aaawww you guys just said the same thing at the same time

Me: *picks up Taurus bridal style* come on lets go

Taurus: *blushing* I c-can w-w-walk

Capricorn: she's sssooooooo RED

I started walking I really hated when they did that every time they find out I have a girlfriend and they meet her they do this.  The only reason Taurus isn't is because she's my girlfriend.  I sat Taurus down in front of a bush with tons of flowers.  Instantly she started picking the black ones and doing something with them.  The ending result was some kind of crown.

Taurus: h-here it's a flower crown

Me: thanks it's beautiful......almost as beautiful as you

I watched as she blushes at my true statement of her beauty.  Then I put the crown on my head.  As she stared off at the sunlight gently touching the tree leaves I couldn't stop myself from thinking.  I'm gonna marry her one day.

Taurus: I wouldn't be opposed to that

Me: what......did I say that out loud

Taurus: mhm

Me: s-sorry

Her head snapped my direction and she gave me a stern look....I was a little scared....I guess she could tell so she softened it up.  She pull me close to her and gave me a soft peck on the lips.

Taurus: if you want to marry me one day that's flattering and you shouldn't be sorry about the way you feel cause I think its beautiful that you care about me so much.

Then she cupped my cheek and kissed me with passion.  She is the most beautiful women I've ever loved and she is and will forever be mine.

Cancer: *sees us* you guys just can't stop being cute can you *takes a picture*

Third P.O.V - 1:30PM - Chapter Three: The War Of The Fields

Aries, Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, Libra, and Sagittarius had also found and set up their stuff on a field and claimed it as the field of Bad A**ess.  Since they all they were bad a** and better than everyone else.  Libra was sitting in the shade under a tree sadly looking at a picture of Capricorn.  Even though he'd seen her only minutes ago he missed her.

Libra: my sweet, beautiful, and wonderful beloved when shall tho see thy lady once more.

Aries was bored so Gemini and himself planned a water balloon attack on the Field Of Emotions.  The sound of the name just made them cringe fest.....and they wanted the cringe fest to end.  Aries hated that Libra was in love with the a girl from the opposite side,....but then again he couldn't judge he thought the love him and Virgo shared was real,...but he also thought Virgo was to go for her current squad along with Scorpio unlike Capricorn he thought that they were bad a** people.

Aries: you'll see your "beloved" when we attack

Libra: don't you dare use such a tone on the topic of ones dearest lady

Aries: whatever......just stop taking like that

Little did the BA Field know is that Capricorn was in the same tree waiting to surprise her lover.  So when Aries unknowingly said what time they planned to attack Capricorn heard and reported it back to the emotions field.  They quickly acted by creating 3 tubs of water balloons, dividing them into bags and hiding in the trees.  When the BA field attacked they stopped in confusion letting their guard down which is when Scorpio jumped out of a tree launching water balloons at all of them not missing once.  The others jumped to missing once or twice, but still hitting their targets.

Emotion Squad: FOR OUR NAME


Everyone was getting hit left and right, but this simple water balloon fight turned into something much deeper

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