Chapter 1: Lonely

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Hayley's POV:

So I'm Hayley, I'm studying to become a future doctor and I am very shy I'm surprised I even made it to college. I don't know why but I'm also so quiet, sometimes I can't even talk to professors. Anyways, the only person I can talk to is my best friend named Lyric she is so fun to hang out with, we've known each other since, the second grade. Her parents and my parents are going to a difficult time with divorces so, she's the only one I can talk to and she feels the same way about me. She not shy though like I am she's not an outcast or popular I would say average as to popularity. She's studying medicine while, I'm taking it to the extreme learning to do tranplants etc. By the way, I have this boyfriend named Owen who I don't even like but, I'm so shy to even tell him that. He's so perverted minded, flirts with other girls, has bad manners, and has anger issues. So I only have my mom and Lyric in my small world.

So next chapter I will write about Hayley and Owen meeting each other. Remember To:

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