Chapter 3

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Kat left at around 5:00 and I started making the food. I decided to make a mushroom risotto with a side of chicken breast. I had just finished setting the food down on the table when I hear a knock at the door and I start to get nervous. I smoothed out my dress and went to open the door. I unlocked the first lock and slowly opened the door. Before me I saw a beautiful man who looked around my age maybe a year older. He was tall, about 5'8 and had blue/black hair that came to about where his eyes were, jet blue eyes, and his skin was almost as pale as mine. He was wearing a black tux with a deep red tie and a rose of the same color.

"Hello, Scarlet." he said sticking out his hand for me to shake, "My name is Eris Faber." he said. I shook his hand and led him inside to the table. 

"Wow, you really went all out, didnt you?" he said, looking at the risotto and chicken. i also put out a bottle of wine that i thought would go well with the flavors. we sat down and i dished the food onto our plates. we sat across from eachother at the middle of the long table. we had smalltalk until 3/4 of the way through the meal when he said..

" So, Scarlet, i bet you're wondering why i am here." 

"to tell you the truth, yes, i am." i said to him.

"well, i have been.... watching you for a while now, and i wanted to ask if you knew someone by the name of Sebastian Michaelis." he said, his eyes suddenly turning a redish color. 

"um... no i can't say that i do..." i said, a bit of fear forming in me from the color of his eyes.

"oh really? hm... id better tell the council this...." he mumbled. 

"council?" i asked. who could he be talking about, any who is this Sebastian. 

"yes... i have another question." he said looking me in the eye.


"have you ever come into contact with a demon before?" he asked, and his eyes turned red again, this time staying red. 

"n-no i h-havent." i said slowly stanidng up.

"well there is a first for everything." he says, and he suddenly stands up and is in front of me before i can blink. 

"w-what are y-you d-d-doing?" i studder. then he tilts my chin up with his hand and stares into my eyes.

"you have demon eyes... that means that you have had to come into contact with a demon before me... you must have just not known." he said and i started shaking from fear. 

"dont worry, i will not hurt you... but would you mind it if i stayed here for a while, until i can find this demon?" he asked

"um.. yes.... i guess. but why do you need to find this demon?" i asked

"well... i am on the DC. otherwise known as the demon council. we watch over all the contracts made and all the souls consumed to make sure that everything goes well. recently weve been getting some weird signals from your house. supernatural signals. from demons. so i was sent to check it out. since i couldnt find anything, i thought that i should stay here for a while to make sure that you are safe." he said, still holding my chin. 

"oh... well... ok then. i guess that would be ok." i say, "but wait, if you just wante that, why did i have to make you dinner and wear this dress?" i asked.

"well dinner, because i was starving and the dress because... well because i thought it would look beautiful, and i was right, it makes you look more than beautiful." he said looking me up and down. 

"well ok then.... you may stay for a while. but let me call my friend Kat to tell her. shes going to freak." i said and he let go of my chin so i could go call her. 

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