Chapter 11

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wow! two chapters in one day?! you guys are spoiled! lol jk i just really felt like writing and i feel bad for not updating for so long xD but yea. heres chapter 11



I sat there for about 15 more minutes just processing what Sebastian when he started to talk again.

"also... when your mother killed herself... the council sent me to watch over you to make sure that youre ok and that you stay out of trouble and also to protect you... but I had to make a contract with Kat when..." he trailed off and his face got red

"when what?" I asked and he looked at Ariana and it looked as though they were communicating with their eyes and then Ariana got up and walked back into the bedroom, shutting the door behind her. Sebastian then grabbed my hands and looked me in the eye.

"when.. when I fell in love with you." He said, his face turning pink and his hands gripping mine a bit tighter. I looked at him in shock, my face heating up. He then released my hands and looked back down to the floor. " the council said I was getting distracted and that I couldn't continue protecting you with my feelings for you being so strong. So I asked kat. Ever since then kat has been protecting you, but ive still been watching. Always"

I placed my hand on his cheek and tilted his face so he was looking up at me and I kissed his cheek.

"I just met you the other day so I really don't know what I am feeling but I can say that I do know that I like you. But thank you for telling me" I said with a smile. I then wrapped my arms around his waist and put my head against his chest while he wrapped his arms around me, his head resting on my head. He was so warm and I fit perfectly in his arms, but just then my stomach growled and we parted.

"Get dressed, something casual. Were going to go get some breakfast" he said with a smile, turning and heading to his room. I chuckled and headed off to the room that now jut Ariana and I share.

When I got back in, Ariana was sitting on my bed smiling at me.

"soooo howd it gooooo" she said

"did you know how he felt?" I asked

"yes I have known for quite some time. He really does care for you scar.... A lot."

"I know. I like him.. but ive only known him for a few days. I don't know how I feel yet. I mean weve kissed and stuff but like I don't really know how I feel." I said, fiddling with my hair.

"I know, and he knows that too. He doesn't want to push you so just if and or when you ever do really feel like you want a relationship with him or something, just tell him." She said, giving me a smile. I smiled back and she went to her suitcase and I to mine and we unpacked our suitcases and hung the stuff up in the wardrobe that was in the room and we picked out our outfirts for breakfast.

I picked some black ankle high boots, dark grey skinny jeans, and a black oversized turtleneck sweater with a long black coat and Ariana picked white supercolors, light blue ripped skinny jeans, and a thick oversized color block sweater, since it is pretty chilly outside. she left her hair curly how it naturally is and I stuffed mine into a big messy bun on top of my head. For makeup I did my foundation contour and my eyebrows then I put a bit of brown shadow into my crease and did a big winged eyeliner. Ariana did the same thing but she wore plum colored lipstick and I just left mine nude.

We exited the room to see Sebastian sitting on the couch wearing... jeans? It was so weird to see him in something other than that suit. He was wearing dark jeans with black desert boots a dark grey sweater with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows and his hair was in a bun. ((A/Nim sorry i rly love
manbuns lol)) on his wrist he had a black watch, im guessing because he couldn't carry around that pocket watch and look normal.

He stood when he noticed us there and smiled at me.

"you two look very nice" he said, winking at me, my face turning bright red. Then then motioned for us to follow and asked if were all set. We both nodded and we exited the hotel room and went to the car. It was valeted so we had to wait outside for a minute but then we saw the black hummer roll up and Sebastian got in the drivers seat, I got in shotgun, and Ariana got in the back.

We drove around for a while until Sebastian pulled up to a café. When we got it in, it was very big and open and the walls were white and the ceiling was very high. Right when you walk in there was the place where you order then to the right of that there was seating areas with little tables, most set for 4 and the wall all the way to the right was completely glass and outside of it you could see the park that this place is next to. We ordered, Ariana and I got coffee and croissants, and Sebastian just got a coffee (even though I don't think the caffeine helps demons).

We picked a table next to the glass and the view of the park was gorgeous. You could see grass for miles, tons of trees and flowers, and to the left was a huge pond with a gorgeous little bridge on it. There weren't many people there. A few couples and one jogger with her dog but that was all.

Once our food got to our table, we ate then headed back to the car. After a minuet of driving I realized that we weren't heading back to the hotel.

"Hey Sebastian? The hotel is the other way" I said

"yes I know, I thought it would be fun if we went out and did stuff instead of heading right back." He said. I nodded and plugged my phone in to play some music. I turned on my Spotify playlist I made and bodyache by purity ring came on so I turned it up. After about 15 minutes of driving, Sebastian pulled into a parking lot across from this huge shopping center.

"Hey guys, while were here I think I want to do something to my hair." I said "Ive always had it like this and im starting to get bored."

Ariana and Sebastian looked at me with wide eyes.

"ok, I know a place. Do you want to head over there first?" Sebastian said. I nodded and we headed over.

The lady asked me what I wanted to do and I told her I wanted it white/silver. She said wed have to bleach it a few times and it would take a couple hours so I told Ariana and Sebastian to go ahead and well meet up later. Ariana said sure and that there was a few places she wanted to go to but Sebastian said hed rather stay with me.

*narrator from spongebob voice*

~a few hours later~

The hair dresser took me over to the sink to rinse my hair once again, we had to bleach it twice with 40 volume bleach but it is white now and now she is going to use toner on it to get it slightly silver.

Once I was all washed, she dried it and curled it for me and I loved it so much. It made my red eyes stand out. I thanked her and we paid and left.

"Your hair looks amazing" Sebastian said, picking up a piece and looking at it.

"Thank you! I really love it so much! Ive had red hair since I was born and I was realy wanting a change. Im glad I did it!" I said, giving him a smile. He suddenly stopped walking and I turned to ask what was wrong but before I could ask, he wrapped his left arm around my waist, pulling me close, and cupped my cheek with his right hand. I blushed and he slowly tilted his head down and my eyes fluttered shut. He then very gently placed his lips upon mine and we kissed.

We had kissed before but this one felt different. It was like I could feel his love for me through it. It was so soft but passionate, I never wanted it to end. Sadly, after a few seconds he pulled away and smiled slightly.

"sorry, you just looked so gorgeous." He said, removing his arm from around my waist. I could feel my face heating up and my hand went to my lips, where his were just a moment ago.

"that's ok, I liked it." I said, "you should do that more often"

He chuckled and grabbed my hand, entwining out fingers together as we continued walking.


eeeeeeeeeeeee i really liked this chapter lol. it was kinda a filler but i really wanted to change her hair. i just got my hair done a few weeks ago and mine is now white/ silver and idk lol i wanted to make her hair like that. but so yea xD tell me what you guys thought andddd yeap lol love you guys! <3

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