Chapter 5

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"A....demon?" I ask, not believe what I just heard.

"Yes Scar..a demon. A long time ago, me and another demon who goes by the name of Sebastian, formed a contract saying that I will always be with you and I will protect you. But somewhere alone the time that I was protecting you, we became friends... No sisters. And now I would protect you even if I didn't still have this contract with him." Kat said. Her eyes tearing up.

"But... Why does this Sebastian guy care?" I asked.

"Well.. I'm not really supposed to tell you..... But since I'm already breaking all the rules, he fancies you, Scar. He has since you were little."

"Wow.... Will I ever get to meet him?" I ask.

"Actually... Yes. He would like to meet you tonight." She says and I suddenly get really nervous.

"O-ok... When will he come?"

"8:00 sharp." She said.

Later that night at 7:00

Kat is still here but we asked Eris to leave just for a few hours or something, just so that we don't have to worry about two people at once. Me and Kat are upstairs now and I'm doing my makeup and hair while she fills me in more about this whole demon and contract thing. I curl my waist long deep red hair and I put on black eyeshadow fading into red then fading into white in the inner corners. I then put on my deep red almost black lipstick and My crimson colored choker that me an Kat both have. Once I'm done, I slip on some black stilettos and turn to Kat.

"Soooooo, how do I look?" I ask doin a slow circle.

"You look amazing! Sebastian will love it!" She says clapping her hands.

By the time 8:00 rolled around, I was nervous as heck and pacing around the room, fiddling with my hands, my hair, and almost anything I could touch. Right when my clock switched to 8:00 I heard a knock on the door. I looked at kat, my eyes wide and scared. I then quickly rushed over to the door, not wanting to make him wait. When I reached the door, I put my hand on the handle and took a deep breath, smoothed out the beautiful dress Eris gave me, and fixed my hair. I then smiled and opened the door.

When I had the door fully opened I saw a pair of black shoes, shined to perfection. Then I saw perfectly ironed black pants, then a perfectly tied tie, then... I saw who was possibly, no definitely, the most handsome man I've seen in my life. His skin white as a newly formed rose, his eyes, red as freshly spilled blood, and his hair, it looked like he had taken the color directly from a raven and applied it to himself.

"Hello Scarlet Chambers, my name is Sebastian Michaelis." He said, his voice flowing though the air like velvet. He then extended his hand, clothed in a white glove.

"Hello Sebastian, you may call me Scar." I said, shaking his hand. When I did, even through the glove, I could feel a tingle from coming into contact with this perfect man.

"Oh, please, come in!" I said, remembering that I ha to invite him in or it would be rude. He then Stephen through the threshold and he was level with me. I then saw how tall he really was, he was about 6'1 and I came up to about his shoulders. Just then Kat came rushing over and hugged him.

"Sebby! How's it going? I haven't seen you since we formed the contract!" She said.

"It has been pretty much the same, you know, ciel ordering me to do stuff for the rest of eternity, the usual." He said and I raised my eyebrow at kat.

"Ciel? Who is that?" I asked. Sebastian then laughed slightly. It was more of a chuckle, then him and Kat filled me in on who ciel was. ((A/N btw that means that they pretty much explained everything that happens in season 1 and 2))

Once they were finished, it was 9:00 and my brain fel like it was about to explode.

"Wow...... That's a lot of stuff that happened. Geez! Now you have to serve him for forever?!" I asked, not being able to imagine how it would be to serve someone for the rest of your existence. I then remembered that I was being extremely rude not offering them something to drink.

"Oh! Goodness! Sorry! Do you guys want something? Soda? Coffee? Tea?" And both of them responded with tea. I then went to make the tea. Once the water was boiling, I started to poor it into the tea pot. I accidentally spilled some water on my hand an I gasped from the sudden burning sensation. In less than a second I could feel my hand being taken into someone's hands and a kiss placed on the part that got burnt. I then felt something cold being pressed to my hand. I looked up an saw that Sebastian was there. An I bet you could guess what happened next, my fave turned one of my favorite colors! A deep deep red from thinking about how he kissed my hand. I could still feel his lips on my burning skin. After about 30 seconds I felt the cold being taken from my skin and Sebastian took my hand in both of his and looked me in the eye.

"How's it feel now?" He asked. I then realized that I couldn't feel any burning any more.

"It actually doesn't hurt any more." I said, amazed. He then placed his hands on my shoulders, gently pushing me aside so he could finish the tea.

"I'm sorry Sebastian, I'm pretty much the queen of clumsiness." I said, turning red again. He started to chuckle.

"What is it?!" I asked.

"Nothing, it's just... Your face matches your dress right now." He said, laughing a little harder. I started to laugh with him, my face turning darker in the process.

"Hahahah hey!" I said smacking his arm lightly.



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