Chapter 2- Drunk

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(Blueberry's PoV)
I was walking around looking for anyone who needed help when I saw that colorful guy come over. "Hey swap..." He said. I waved, realizing I had not asked for his name yet. "Hello! Do you need anything? By the way, what's your name?" I asked. "Uh, I'm ink Sans but, just call me ink... and, I was wondering... do you know anything about error? He's quite.... interesting." He said. I nodded and smiled. "I know alot about him! Except for his past... he likes to play with puppets! He has a ton of them! He also likes to teleport to other timelines and Universes for fun! Even though sometimes he causes havoc.... but he can be a nice guy...!" I said proudly. Ink nodded and chuckled."How do you know all of this?" He asked. "Oh that's easy! He-- uh.." I stuttered, seeing error in the distance, glaring at me. "We're uh, friends!" I said quickly. Error seemed to grumble but nodded. Ink looked at me in confusion before nodding. "Alright.. well I'm gonna go check a few things out, I'll see ya later." He said and walked away. I let out a relived sigh and sat down on the couch and leaned back, dozing off.

(Ink's PoV)
Welp, I talked to swap, he seemed to know alot about him. I went to the kitchen to get some eggnog when I saw error leaning against AftertaleSans. He was drunk. He laughed drunkly along with aftertale sans. Great, their both drunk. Error looked at me and waved. "Ay thee--rre inky~ Come're p--aa--llll have some of this--*hic* 'nog. It's reaaalllyy good~" He said, slurring over his words. I shook my head and stepped back. "Uh n-no thank you!" I said, taking a step back. Error pushed off of aftertale sans, causing him to fall over. Error laughed at him quietly before stumbling over to me. He leaned on my shoulder which caused me to flinch slightly. He looked at me drunkly. "Bud, listen 'eerreeee.... Yo--ooo-ou gotta live a l--llii--ttle. Come on--*hic*-- have so--oommeee!" He said. I shook my head. "Error, your drunk, come on, we should get you to the couch." I said as original sans walked in to help aftertale sans who was still laughing. Error nodded, showing no signs of resisting. I slowly led him to the couch where I spotted Swappy sleeping. Error giggled drunkly. "Looks like so--oommeones taking up the couuchh~" He said in a singsong voice. I sighed and sat him down next to him. "Just stay here, please?" I said. He nodded, smiling deunkly. I watched him until he slowly feel asleep. I then walked off to check with everyone else.

~about an hour later~

(Error's PoV)
I awoke with a huge headache. What was in that eggnog? I sighed to see I was still at the house, blueberry was cuddled against me. I blushed lightly and shook my head, pushing him slightly. He slowly woke up and yawned, rubbing his eyes. Poor guy, he was tired. I saw ink and original sans cleaning up. And stretched and got up. Ink looked at me and chuckled. "How ya doing?" He asked. I rubbed my head. "Eh, I could be better." I said and smiled. "I'm gonna get going, it's late." I said. He nodded and waved. "See ya." I waved until I felt someone hug me. I glitched slightly and looked to see blueberry hugging me. "Bye error!" He said and ran off to help clean. Ink laughed, seeing me glitch. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the house, making sure to get far away before opening a portal to my "home". I walked through the portal into the void, the place where everything was completely white. It gets boring here but, I guess that's what blueberry is for! And maybe that one guy, ink. He seems cool. Maybe I'll find him again one day.

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