Chapter 7- Arguement

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(I got this idea from the comment up there ^ :3)

(Ink's PoV)
I decided to make it up to error by letting him and swap come over for the night since error kinda killed swap's brother. When we got to the cabin, they sat on the couch. I sat next to error, smiling. I grabbed the remote and flipped through the 'channels' until I got to fantasytale. Apperantly, there was actually a huge war going on there. It was quite interesting. Error stretched a bit before asking,"Do you ha--vvve a bathroom?" I nodded and pointed upstairs. He smiled and got up,"Thh--hhanks, I wanna wash the blo-od off." He said and walked upstairs. Swap sighed, staring off into nothing with a faint blush on his cheeks. "Hey... swap?" I asked. He turned his head to look at me. "Yea?" He asked. "Do you uh.... do you like error?" I asked. He blushed furiously and touched his cheek. "I-is it that noticable?" He asked. I gave him a glare of jealousy. "You did just kiss his cheek..." I mumbled. He blushed more and glared at me with a small smirk,"Jealous?" He asked. I growled quietly and crossed my arms. "Its n-not my fault I like him too..." I mumbled. "YOU DO!?!?" He exclaimed. I flinched and sighed. "Yes ok!?!? I admit it! I. Like. Error!" I stated. We both gave each other death glares. "We can't both have him." Swap stated. "And besides..." an evil smirk arose on his face,"He's bound to go for me instead of you." He said with a wink. I growled,"How do you know!?" I questioned. "Easy. I've known him longer." He said. I growled and made a bone appear, throwing it at him. He teleported out of the way, causing me to gasp. "What? Didn't think I could use magic?" He asked, laughing quietly. We stood, about to attack eachother. He made bones appear around himself as I took out my paintbrush. "I can erase you. I am the creator of all." I stated. Swap smiled,"Even if you do, error would never forgive you if you did." He said. I growled at him. Just then, error came in.

(Blueberry's PoV)
"WTF if happe--enning down here..?" Error asked. We flinched and looked at him. Ink put his paintbrush away and I made the bones dissapear. "Blueberry, I didn't kn--nn--oow you could u--se magic." He said, tilting his head. "Welp, I guess Y-you learn something new everyday... heheh..." I said, sweating slightly. He shrugged and chuckled. "Annn--yways. I'm tired." He stated. Ink nodded. "Ok, let's go to bed.." He said. We all went upstairs and laid on Ink's bed. Ink changed into some shorts and a t-shirt that said 'get creative' on it before laying on the bed. We soon, fell asleep.

(Error's PoV)
I woke up at 7 in the morning to see I was face to face with a sleeping ink. He was nuzzled close to me, his forehead against mine. I blushed but didn't move away. I only stared silently. I felt blueberry wrap his arms around me. He seemed to be asleep aswell. Heh, I'm like a teddy bear to these guys! I smiled to myself and shifted a bit. Then, I felt ink 'kiss' me accidenatlly. He still seemed to be asleep but he was smiling. I blushed and glitching, shaking him slightly. "Ink..." I mumbled. He slowly woke up, grumbling. "Hmm?" He asked sleepily. He was kinda... cute, in a way. I shook my head slightly. What am I thinking!? "Uh, your kind--aa.. um..." I muttered. He realized what he was doing and blushed. He pulled away, blushing a rainbow like blush. "I-im sorry! I was just having a dream and... um... sorry!" He apologized. I chuckled,"Its uh, fine.. rea--lllly!..." He slowly smiled. As he was about to pull away, I slowly wrapped my arms around him. He looked up at me, confused. "Uh... you wouldn't mmm--iinnn-d if I held onto you like thhh--iiss for a bit longer... would ya? It's been a whh--iille since I've actually held someone..." I muttered. He slowly nodded,"Sure." He said. I blushed,"Thanks pa-l." I said. Blueberry soon woke up and yawned. I then pulled away from ink. He got up and went to change. I sat up and stretched. Blueberry looked at me and smiled,"Goodmornin' error." He said. I yawned softly,"Morn--nnn--ing bluebe-rry." I smiled. We soon went downstairs to enjoy breakfast with ink, who was making pancakes. We sat at the table as Ink served us pancakes. He got himself his own plate. We ate and planned what we should do for the rest of the day.

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