Chapter 6- Insanity

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(Error's PoV)
I ran for what seemed like hours before I collapsed. I gripped my head in pain until I heard voices start murmuring "You are worthless. You are nothing. Kill... kill... kill..." I was slowly able to see, but only saw everything as a threat. I tried to gain control, but couldnt. I felt my phone buzzing and took it out, seeing it was blueberry.


Blueberry: Heya error, can you come over? I'm bored ;-;

Error: heh... sure thing... buddy...

I smirked as I sent the message. I opened a portal to where he was and hoped through. Blueberry was sitting on the couch. He waved happily, smiling. He slowly frowned as he saw my eyes. There were both flaring from red and yellow to blue and black. I smirked and wrapped strings around him, flinging him to the wall and pining him against it. He yelped,"PAP!!' He called out. His brother ran in and growled at me. As he was about to through bones at me, I grabbed him with strings and watched him squirm. His eyes were glowing orange as he was struggling. I made the strings tighter which cause him to bleed. Blueberry started crying which made me laugh. I looked at him and licked his cheek with my tounges. He shuddered and I laughed insanely, walking to papyrus. "Remember th--eee judgement haa--aa-all? When I was to af--fraaiid to kill ya? Well..." I smirked and made a red bone appear. "I'm not afraid anymore~" I stabbed the bone into his stomach which cause blood to leak out of the side of his mouth. He coughed and looked at blueberry. He smiled weakly. "I'm sorry, brother... I can't save you... I guess I really am of no use..." He mumbled and slowly turned to dust. Blueberry sobbed over the lose of his brother. He began to thrash around, only causing me to laugh. I just hoped that ink didn't wake up anytime soon.

(Ink's PoV)
I woke up to see error was gone. I sat up and saw a letter on my bed side table. I grabbed it and read it, seeing it was in what seemed like blood! This can't be good.. I immediately got dressed and teleported out of my cabin to see a trail of black blood and green code on the ground. I teleported to the end of it and saw that error was no where to be seen. I opened a portal to swap, hoping he would know where he was. Turns out, error was attacking swap! I ran through the portal and took out my paint brush. I saw a sweater on the ground... it was U.s Paps' sweater... error killed him... my left eye glowed like a rainbow. "Error, stop!" He laughed and showed no signs of letting him go. I sliced the strings with my brush and watched as swap fell to the floor. He breathed heavily, crying. "Huh..." Error seemed surprised yet angered. I grabbed Swap and ran through the portal. I let him go and he stumbled over, covering his face and crying. I pat his skull, only to have him push my hand away. Error come through the portal, laughing insanely.

(Lol idk why but when I heard this, I imagined error laughing xD)

I flinched and gripped my paintbrush in a fighting stance. Error closed the portal and made Gaster blasters appear, having them shoot at me. I dodged them and threw colorful bones at him. He dodged and threw bones at me. One cut my coat slightly, causing me to flinch. He caught me off guard and made strings appear. I thought he was going to kill me, but instead, a blue heart appeared. It was wrapped around in strings. He yanked on it and I heard a scream come from swap. I turned around to see a crack on his cheek. He stumbled to get up. "M-my soul!!" He yelled and ran to it. Error laughed and held it above his reach, glitching. Swap cried softly stared at error with sorrow. Error stared at him. " st--op that!!! Stop it!" He yelled, only causing swap to cry more. He glitched more. "St--Ooo--PpP!!-- blueberry...-- STOP IT!!" He growled. I took this chance to tackle error. He growled at me and laughed insanely. I made a bone appear and stabbed it into his chest which only caused him to laugh more. Swap gasped and yanked me off him. "D-dont do that!!" He yelled at me and stood in front of error protectively. "H-he may want to kill me, but he's still my friend!!" He yelled. Error continued to laugh, but was staring at us. I huffed,"But, he took your soul!" I yelled. Swap cried more as he yelled,"He didn't take it, I gave it to him!!" I flinched, shocked. He turned and kneeled next to error, seeing blood pour out of his chest. He pulled the bone out of his chest as error glitched. He whimpered, thinking error was dying.

(Blueberry's PoV)
I held error close and cried. He stopped laughing and was silent. He glitched around alot and his eyes were glitching wildly. "Y-you can die error!! You cant! I-i...." I stuttered, trembling. I slowly 'kissed' his cheek and cried. I saw ink give me a death glare as he yanked me away from error. He growled angrily. Error slowly sat up and stared at the hole in his chest. He rubbed his head and looked at us. "Did blueberry just kiss m--mmyyy chee--k?" He asked with a faint blush. I got out of Ink's grip and tackled error into a hug. He flinched and smiled softly, hesitantly hugging back. "You k--iiiiss-ed my cheek..." He said. "You killed my brother." I said. He flinched and sighed. "Aight."

(Error's PoV)
I don't remember much of what happened... all I remember is being attacked. I started to heal very slowly. I looked at ink who seemed a bit upset. I slowly pulled away from blueberry. "Ink--" He interrupted me," I'm sorry I stabbed you with a bone..." He said. I sighed and scoot over to him. I put a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look at me. I smiled," Its alright bud, if it weren't for you, I could've killed blueberry, or worse, destroyed the system!" I said. He smiled and blushed softly. He hugged me and I hugged back. Soon, we all got up and went to Ink's house to spend the rest of the night relaxing.

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