Chapter 8- Karaoke and Dares

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(Ink's PoV)
Me and swap seemed to glare at eachother. Error took notice of this and as he finished eating, stood. "H--hhee--y, ink. I saw a kkaa--rraoo-kk--e machine in your roo-m. Can we mess around with it?" He asked and I blushed softly,"oh, I don't know.. it's been a while since I've used that..." I mumbled and got up. Swap jumped up happily, his stary eyes becoming yellowish. "Karaoke sounds like fun!!" He exclaimed. I sighed,"Alright alright. You guys wait in the living room, I'll bring it down." I said and walked upstairs as they walked into the living room. I got the machine and brought it down. Surprisingly, it was still working. Swap smiled with delight while error smirked softly. I set it up and sighed. "Who's first?" I asked. "Blueber--rrrr---y should go first." Error said firmly. Swap blushed slightly but got up and walked over. "Ma--kkke him sing somethii-ing kawii!!~" Error giggled. Swap blushed more and scratched the back of his skull. I handed him the microphone and chuckled, flipping to a song. I clicked a button and made the song start after forcing swap to put on bunny ears and a bunny tail. I sat next to error as swap started singing.

We clapped, error was crying from laughter and cuteness. Swap blushed darkly. "Thh--aat was the cutest thing ee--ver, holy shit!!" He wiped a tear. I laughed as swap took of the bunny ears and tail and sat down. "You--r turn ink." Error said with a smirk. I blushed and got up, slowly. I walked over to the machine and flipped to a song and hesitantly started singing.

As I finished singing, they clapped. Error smiled widely,"yo, I di--ddnnt know you could sii--nng!" He exclaimed. I blushed and sat down. "Your turn." I smiled. He chuckled and got up, grabbing the microphone. He flipped to a song and started to sing...

As he finished, me and swap were blushing. Error laughed quietly. We sang a few more songs before shutting it off. "So, whh--aat now?" Error asked. "TRUTH OR DARRREEEE!!!" Swap yelled. We flinched and laughed. "Alright then." I said.

(Blueberry's PoV)
I suggested that we play truth or Dare and they agreed. We sat in a circle and decided that error would go first. To make it fair, ink took out his phone and clicked on an app that chose truths and Dares randomly. We played for a while until error finally got a dare. "I dare you to.... uuhhh...." Ink said with a blush. Error chuckled and took the phone from him and read the dare. Error blushed and set it down. "That's enough Dares fo--rrr me." He stated. I grabbed the phone and read it out-loud. "Dare someone to kiss their crush." I whined,"But this is the first dare you've had!" He sighed. "I'm nn--nnot doing it!" He said and crossed his arms. I huffed and gave the phone to ink. "Fine... but why!?!?" I pouted. Error got up and chuckled,"because it's someone in this room." He stated.

(Error's PoV)
They stared at me, shocked. Why did I say that!? I thought stupidly. I walked to the kitchen and sighed. They got up and followed me, questioning me. "Who is it!??!" Blueberry asked. "When did you start liking them!?!?" Ink asked. I chuckled and leaned against the counter. "I ain't te--lllin' who it is, but I will say, I liked 'em the first day I m--et 'em" I said. They seemed to glare at eachother but I shrugged it off. They sighed and nodded at me. It was already 9:47. Wow, how the time flies. "Uh, cc--aann we go to bed...? I'm uh, tt-iiirrr--ed. I stated. They nodded as we went upstairs. We laid down and went to sleep. When I knew they were asleep, I got up and walked down the hall to the bathroom. I don't think ink will mind me taking a shower. I took out my clothes and got into the shower. I know I'm a skeleton and I don't have anything to wash, but the feeling of the water is still nice. I closed the curtain and took a nice cooling shower. I guess SOMEONE woke up to come see where the noise of water was coming from. I heard someone open the door,"Hello?" I heard blueberry call out. Before I could answer, he peeked behind the curtain. I yelped,"YOU PERV!!!" I yelled, glitching. He screamed and fell backwards, closing the curtain. "OMG I'M SO SORRY!!! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE IN THERE, I THOUGHT THE WATER WAS RUNNING ON ITS OWN." He yelled. I glitched a bit more, blushing. "Maybe you sh--oooullld WAIT FOR A REEE--SSSPP--ONSE RATHER THAN OPENING THE DAM--NNN CURTAIN AND PEEKING INSIDE YOU SICK BASTARD." I yelled and slowly laughed at my own words. "Youu--rr not the blueberry I uus--ed to know" I pouted playfully. I heard a small giggle come from blueberry. I heard footsteps walk in. "What's going on..?" I heard ink ask. Blueberry pulled him out of the room, laughing. I shut off the shower and got out, putting my clothes back on. I walked out of the bathroom, blushing. I saw blueberry laughing as Ink had his eyes widened. "Iii--mmm sleeping on the cc--ooo--uuuch tonight." I said as I passed by them. I walked downstairs and layed on the couch, slowly falling asleep.

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