Chapter 12- Confession

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(Ok so this is going to have multiple endings, and yes, this is the end sadly, my god. Took so loong. I might make more books for each ending I make but idk. Anyways, enjoy)

Ink Good Ending- Glitchy Painting
(Error's PoV)
I ran over and caught onto Ink's hand. Blueberry slipped out of my grasp. He screamed, falling into the lava. He turned to dust as I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. I gripped onto Ink's hand who was slipping. I quickly pulled him up, breathing heavily, still in pain. Ink breathed heavily in fear and hugged me, healing me. "Why did you save me?" He asked. I hugged back and glitched a bit. "Because i.... ii--I...." I stuttered and pulled him close, 'kissing' his cheek. "I l--loov-e you, Ink... and dd--oonn---ttt want to lo-se you!!" I yelled and stared into his eyes. He stared back, blushing softly. He put a hand on my cheek and 'kissed' me. I 'kissed' back, holding him close. He pulled away and smiled at me. "I love you too error." He said. We slowly got up. I looked at the cliff and sighed. "He--ee's... gone..." I mumbled. Ink put a hand on my shoulder. "I can recreate him but he won't have any memories." I nodded. "That's ggoo--ood... I want to be able to sta--rrrt over... be a better frriii--eennd... ya know?" I stated. He nodded and held my hand as he opened a portal and toke me through it. When we got to the cabin I grabbed the echo flower and handed it to ink. The flower repeated 'i love you' over and over again. Ink smiled happily at me. I smiled back. Eventually, blueberry was recreated, along with his brother. They lived life normally back in their home. When me and ink met blueberry again.. he seemed to feel like he knew us.. but it all seemed... like a glitchy painting.

Ink Bad Ending- What Fate desires
(Error's PoV)
I ran over and caught onto Ink's hand. Blueberry slipped out of my grasp. He screamed, falling into the lava. He turned to dust as I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. I gripped onto Ink's hand who was slipping. I tried to hold on but struggled from the pain in my body. Ink seemed weak and tired from battling blueberry. "Hh--holl-d on ink! I've got you!!" I said. I saw tears form in his eyes. "Error...." He said, looking into my eyes. I cried in fear, panicing. "I love you... don't forget that..." He said and let go. I lost my grip and gasped as he fell into the lava, turning into ink and dust. I let tears fall and scooted away from the ledge and cried. "I loov-e you too, ink..." I mumbled, to late. I guess fate desired, for us to be separated.

Blueberry Good Ending- A New Creator
(Error's PoV)
I slid over and grabbed onto Blueberry's arm. Ink was just out of my reach as he fell into lava and turned to dust. Blueberry cried fear as I yanked him up, still pretty weak from all the pain. I held my head slightly and groaned. Blueberry gripped my shoulders and stared into my eyes, whimpering. I looked at him and pat his skull. "Shh--hh, it's ok..." I mumbled, he shook his head and hugged me tightly. I hugged back as he cried into my sweater. "You could've died because of M-me!" He yelled. I sighed,"Its ok...!" I said. He looked up at me and whimpered. "Its not ok! I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if it was my fault you died!! I-I love you error!" He yelled and 'kissed' me passionately. I blushed and 'kissed' back. "I love you too, blueberry..." I muttered into the kiss. He pulled away, blushing. He smiled at me before gasping. "Wait, i-is Ink's gone, then who will be the creator!?!?" Blueberry panicked. I chuckled,"Why doo--nnnt you be the creator?" I asked him. I made a paint brush appear. He hesitantly grabbed it and created a portal. We both got up and our eyes widened. We slowly walked through the portal, back into the void. Blueberry is still practicing with the creating stuff, so, we can't really recreate anybody yet... but for now, it's safe to say that we have a new creator.

Blueberry Bad Ending- All I've wanted
(Error's PoV)
I slid over and grabbed onto Blueberry's arm. Ink was just out of my reach as he fell into lava and turned to dust. I gripped onto blueberry, feeling weak. He gripped onto me and whimpered. "Just, h--hhan-g on!" I yelled. He shook his head. "Your to weak, error..." He mumbled and smiled, tears falling down his cheeks. "I'm not afraid of dying anymore... cause at least you'll know that I love you..." He said. I cried and mumbled. "I lov--ve you too..." He smiled sadly,"heh... that's all I ever wanted...." He said and let go. He slipped out of my grasp and fell into the lava, turning to dust instantly. I curled up and cried. I had given him his final wish before he died gruesomely... it was all he'd ever wanted.

Both- Sharing
(Error's PoV)
I ran over and grabbed both of their hands, yanking them up. I hugged them tightly and whimpered. They hugged back, sighing. "I'm sorry..." Ink mumbled. "We shouldn't have fought..." Blueberry said. I shook my head, feeling pain. Then, they spoke in union,"I love you error...." They said. I whimpered and hugged them tighter. "I ll--loov-e you both... ss-ssoo--o much..." I mumbled. They seemed to blush as they pulled away and got up. I stood and wipped my eyes. Ink healed me and opened a portal. We walked through it and smiled. "I guess we can share." Ink said with a chuckle. Blueberry laughed as I blushed. I promised myself that I would cherish them for the rest of my time.

Neither- I can't love
(Error's PoV)
I slid over and grabbed onto them. They flinched and grabbed onto me. I grinned and pulled them up, healing myself. They both hugged me. "Error... I-im sorry...!" Blueberry cried. Ink sighed,"we should've been more careful..." He mumbled. Soon, they both confessed that they loved me. "We can't both be with him!" Blueberry growled. Ink glared and hissed. "Who do you love, error? Me, or swap...?" Ink asked. I got up, grinning as blood leaked out of my eyes and mouth. "I loo--ve.. neither!~" I shouted and made strings grab them, dangling them over the edge of the cliff. They gasped and strugled. "B-but at the cabin! You said--" Blueberry managed to say, only to get interrupted by me. "You think I'm capab--bble of loving!?!? Ha! What a jo--ook-ke! Ive just bee--nnn toying with ykur mii--nnds!!~ besiddd-es, I know the trr-uth, we're all just un--wanted static i-ii-nn thee-e Syystt--emmm. Why would I pp-ass up the opportunity to cont-rol the universe!?!? Say goodnight boys~" I smirked and let them go. They fell into the lava, and turned to dust. I dissapeared into the code. The entire universe was my plaything now! It was stupid of them to love me. I'm a monster! I can't love.

Error Ending- Sacrifice
(Ink's PoV)
Error grabbed a hold of me and swap. He looked weak. He grinned at us, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Forgive me..." He mumbled. He teleported us up to safety and teleported himself where we were. "Error!!!" We called out and crawled to the cliff quickly. We saw him smile at us before falling into the lava and turning into nothing but bits of code.

(Blueberry's PoV)
I cried in anger as Ink tried to comfort me. I attacked him, growling. "IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU, HE'D BE ALIVE!!" I yelled. He opened a portal and kicked me into it, jumping up. He walked in after me and closed the portal. "My fault!?!?" He growled. "MY FAULT!?!? IT'S YOUR FAULT!!!" He shouted. I tried to attack him, but he dodged. I tried again, and he dodged. We did this for a while before he shoot a Gaster blaster at me. And just like that, my world went black.

(Ink's PoV)
I killed swap easily with my Gaster blaster. I sighed and collapsed to the ground, crying. I can't believe error sacrificed himself for us. I sobbed for what seemed like hours till I got up and recreated swap and his brother, putting them in their rightful universe. They couldn't remember a thing which was quite alright.

-a few says later-

I was in my cabin, watching the universes as usual. Then, I heard a soft voice speak. "Hey bu--dd.." it said. I turned my head and gasped happily, seeing a bunch of codes form together to make error, who sat beside to me with the same grin he had when I first met him.

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