Chapter 11- The Final Battle

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(Ink's PoV)
Error got up and smiled. "I'll bbe--e right bac-k!" He said and ran to the cabin. Swap got up and glared at me with an evil look in his eye. I got up and glared back with the same look. That's when I felt something start burn inside of me. It was.... Anger and... hatred. I sensed he had the same feeling. He made a bone appear behind him and flung it at me. I dodged and took out my brush, painting Gaster blasters and bringing them to life. I shot at him, watching him dodge. I growled, painting bones and bringing them to life aswell. He threw bones at me and I threw bones at him. I blocked the attacks with my brush as he dodged mine.

(Blueberry's PoV)
I glared at ink all the while. I've never hated someone this much before... I made Gaster blasters appear and shot at ink, finally getting him. Or so I thought... he had dissapeared into thin air! I looked around for him until I felt a presence behind me. It was ink. He grabbed me and flung me up in the air, shot me with a Gaster blaster and let me fall. I fell roughly to the ground and growled, jumping up. I made bones appear and threw them at him. He blocked them and caught one, breaking it in half. We fought like this for a little while, until we deflected eachothers bones and they went flying in different directions... that's when I heard error yell in pain.

(Error's PoV)
I had just came out with an echo flower. I had whispered something into it. I saw them fighting... I dropped the echo flower and went over to stop them, only to get impaled by 4 bones. 1 in my stomach, one in my arm, one in my skull, and one grazed my cheek. I couldn't help by yell in pain as I fell to my knees. They looked at me and gasped. I yanked the one in my skull and arm out. I winced as I pulled out the one in my stomach. If I tried healing now, I would over use my powers again. I weakly got up and somehow... I felt.. afraid of them. Seeing the pain they could cause, it scared me. They looked at me sadly. "Error..." Ink called out. I shoke my head and ran from them as I felt blood start to leak from my arm and stomach. Codes leaked from the hole in my skull as I kept running. I could hear them running after me, calling my name. "Error!" They called, but I kept running until I opened a portal to fantasy tale and ran through it. They followed me through, ink closing the portal. I ran faster until I saw the huge war happening. My eyes widened as I ran the other direction, toward a cliff with lava lingering under it. I thought I had lost ink and blueberry until they grabbed me. I squirmed but they wouldn't let go. I growled quietly until I felt a rumble come from the ground. They both let me go as they stumbled around... and both fell off the cliff.

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