Chapter 3- A Visit to the Void

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(Ink's PoV)I grabbed the spiked eggnog and sighed

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(Ink's PoV)
I grabbed the spiked eggnog and sighed. "This really has an affect on people." Swap, who was next to me, giggled,"ahaha... yea, hardcore whiskey has that effect of people." He said with a wink and a mischievous look. I stared for a moment before realizing."No." I said, wide eyed and sweating slightly. He returned to his innocent look. "Oh my, you don't look to good!" He said and took the bowl from me. "I'll take this out for the! Besides!" He said, his evilish look coming back. "You never know what's in it." He winked and walked off. I slowly continued to clean the place. When we finished cleaning, Swappy came over to me with a present. "Uh, hey..." I said, somewhat startled by him. "Hey! Do you know how to get to the void?" He asked. I slowly nodded. "I could open a portal there, why?" I asked. "I wanna give error a present! I didn't have time to give it to him before he left!" He said happily. I nodded. "He lives in the void?" I asked. He nodded. Strangely, I lived in the void aswell. I never saw him around though. Maybe he lives in a different part of it. I had a present for him too. It was a puppet of himself, and a puppet of myself. It was pretty easy to make. I opened a portal to the void and we both walked through as I closed the portal behind us. Wow, it sure was empty. I wonder where error is.

(Blueberry's PoV)
I looked around the void which brought back old memories. I slowly called out. "Error?" He appeared in front of me which caused me to yelp. He laughed. "What a--rre you doing here!?" He asked. He noticed ink and waved. Ink waved back with a smile. I handed him the present. He opened it and seemed to be amazed. "Blueberry...." He looked at me and smiled somewhat calmly, which was new! I've never seen him smile like this before. It made my heart feel weird. "Its perfect." He said and chuckled. I blushed and smiled. Ink walked over and handed him a present too! Error seemed to be surprised but took it. He opened it and smiled. "W--woow you guys.... you d--ddii--dnt have to get me these!!" He laughed and took out the puppet I gave him, which was a puppet of me and the 2 puppets ink gave him. Me and Ink seemed to glare at eachother. What was this feeling? I felt like... jealousy. But why did I feel jealous? I looked away from ink and huffed softly. Error made the puppets dissapear. Ink made a portal over to my universe. I waved to error who waved back. I turned away and walked into the portal as it closed behind me.

(Error's PoV)
It was nice to get gifts for once. No one really likes me but I don't care. I like to watch people tremble before me~ I noticed that ink didn't leave. I slowly turned to him. "Aren't ya g--ooonn--a go ho--ome?" I asked. He laughed,"uh, I kinda live here." He stated. "What!?!? An--nnndd I've not see--en you o--oonnn--cce!?" I somewhat yelled. He chuckled. "Wanna see the house I built?" He asked. I nodded. He grabbed my hand and teleported us in front of a log cabin that seemed to have quite a few rooms inside. I lead me inside and let go of my hand. "Sit down if you want!" He said. I nodded and sat down on a bluish couch. I saw a TV with cameras of different universes on the screen. I saw blueberry on the couch with his bro. I chuckled softly as Ink came over with a remote. He sat next to me and flipped through channels, smiling. I saw that the channels were just the universes. They had labels that said 'creation 1' or 'Creation 65' and what they were named. 'Creation 2' was Blueberry's universe. I decided to question him. "Why are there labels on them?" I asked. He hesitated before answering,"I'm the creator of all the timelines and universes.."

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