Chapter 9- Dance Party

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(Ink's PoV)
I got up earlier than usual and went downstairs. I saw error cuddled up on the couch. He had a cute little smile on his face as he slept. I couldn't help but walk over and stare. I put a hand on his skull and felt him nuzzle against it. I smiled softly and kneeled next to the couch. I slowly put my hand on his cheek, watching as he smiled more. It caused me to smile joyfully. I pulled my hand away and layed my on the couch. He slowly woke up and opened his eyes, looking at me. I blushed softly as he chuckled. "Are you watc--cchh--h-hing me while I sleep?" He asked. "Maayyybbbe?" I said. He laughed and sat up. I stood and smiled as error checked his phone. He smiled widely,"wanna go to a dance pparr--ttt-y? Sans from Dancetale jjj--uus-st said they were having a dd--ann--ce party." He said. I slowly nodded and smiled. Blueberry then ran downstairs and yelled,"I WANNA GO TOO". "How the hh--eell did you..." Error questioned. Blueberry shrugged and smiled. Error shrugged and opened a portal to Dancetale and walked through. We followed him through.

(Blueberry's PoV)
"By the waa--y there may b--bbee other timelines and universe there so--oo this should bb--bbee fun~" Error chuckled. I smiled. He was right, there were tons of people from different places! Error immediately went to the bar as Ink went to look around. I decided to linger close to error and watch him. He just sat there, watching everyone, occasionally asking for a shot of whiskey. I was about to walk over until I saw people start to dance. I slowly went over to join them.

(Error's PoV)
I sat alone at the bar, watching everyone. I smiled happily, seeing everyone was having fun. Soon, Reaper tale sans came over and sat next to me, he seemed kinda drunk but he was actually pretty cool. He was my old killing buddy you could say. He wore a black sweater and a red t-shirt that said 'death is at your door', black jeans, and blue boots rather than his normal black cloak. He looked at me and grinned,"Ayyy error" He said. "How's liffee?" He asked, drunkly. I chuckled,"life's fine, but uh, ar--rre you ok? You look kin--nnda drunk." I said with a chuckle. He grinned and shoke his head," immm fffffffine." He said. I snickered as he slurred his words. "Welp, the--eennn I'll catch ya later buu--dd" I said and got off the stole. As I was going to look for ink and blueberry, I got pinned to the wall by reaper. "I'm nott done yet, errorrr" He said with a grin. I squirmed and tried to push him away, not wanting to over use my powers again. "Hhhee--yy!! Stop!!" I yelped. No one seemed to notice since the music was loud and everyone was in crowds. He laughed drunkly and 'kissed' me forcefully. I squirmed and pushed him away, running, only to get tackled against the wall again. I trembled and did the most wimpiest thing I could've done in my entire life... I called for help. "Hee--eelll--pp!!" I yelled. Reaper laughed, 'kissing' me again.

(Ink's PoV)
I heard error call for help and immediately teleported to him, seeing a drunk Reaper Sans forcing himself onto error who didn't seem to be enjoying it. I growled and yanked him away from error. "Back the fuck off of MY error." I shoved him away and he glared, walking off. I grabbed Error's hand and pulled him with me to a couch where a few people were resting and sat him down, sitting next to him. I inspected him,"He didn't do anything bad to you, right?" I asked. Error shook his head and chuckled,"I'm ff--ii-ne. He just kk--iiiiss-ed me." He stated. I grumbled,"still..." Error laughed,"Its not like yyoo--uu haven't dd-one it before!" He said. I blushed and looked away,"Its was an accident!" I yelled, causing him to laugh. He seemed to realized something and smirked at me. "You caa--llled me 'your error'" He said. I blushed and covered my face,"Don't question me!!! I'm the one who saved you!!" I grumbled. He pat my shoulder and chuckled,"Let's just find blueberry and g--eeet outta here. I ddoo--nnnt wanna be hee--rre when Reaper comes back so he can stick his to--uunngg--e in my mouth." He said, laughing. I blushed and nodded as we got up and went to look for swap.

(Blueberry's PoV)
I was dancing around the dance floor, people were rooting for me, I felt like it could last forever. Until I saw ink and error watching. I blushed, seeing error. He was grinning and clapping. As the song ended, I walked over to them. "Nice dann--cing blueberry" Error said. I smiled as Ink gave a thumbs up. "Thanks!" I said. "We're gonna leave, you coming?" Ink asked. I nodded and Ink opened a portal back to the void. We all stepped inside of it as Ink closed it. We went back to Ink's cabin and sat on the couch tiredly. Ink flipped through the universes until he got to Dancetale, he stared intently, I swore I saw flames in his eyes. He seemed focus on one thing. I looked at error who was giggling. I tilted my head. I was very confused.

(Error's PoV)
I saw blueberry give me a look that said 'wtf is going on?' So I told him what happened. His left eye became a darker shade of blue. "HE WHAT!?!? AND YOU ONLY TOLD ME NOW!?!?" He yelled. I laughed and covered my face. They get upset over something so small. "It waa--aas just a kk--iiiss!" I said. Ink seemed to get more upset as he continued to stare at the screen. I saw he was watching reaper. Blueberry grumbled and crossed his arms. I snickered quietly and scratched my skull, this was gonna be one long night.

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