Chapter 10- Jealousy

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(Ink's PoV)
I glared at the TV angrily. I grumbled quietly as swap got up and went to the kitchen. Error scooted over to me and layed his head on my shoulder. I blushed but didn't take my gaze off the tv. "Stop bee--ing so grumm--ppy." He giggled. I slowly wrapped an arm around his shoulder and pulled him close. I layed my skull on his and sighed, slowly moving my gaze away from the tv to look at him. "Hey... Error?" I spoke softly. "Hmm?" He hummed questioningly and looked up at me, blushing. I stayed silent before speaking,"I... I lo--" before I could finish my sentence, swap came back in and seemed refreshed."ok, I'm better!" He yelped happily. I quickly pulled away and cleared my throat. He sat next to us and sighed. "Uh wh--aat were you gonna say inn--k?" Error asked as I shoke my head,"Its nothing, nevermind..." I mumbled. He slowly nodded and sighed.

(Blueberry's PoV)
I heard ink about to confess to error so I quickly walked in. I sat next to them and glared at ink who glared back. It was getting late so me and Ink headed upstairs while error stayed downstairs to sleep on the couch. Ink made a sleeping bag appear on the ground next to his bed. He got into his bed and fell asleep as I got into the sleeping bag and soong, feel asleep.

~4 hours later~

I woke up from a bad nightmare. I stumbled to get up and ran downstairs. I saw error on his phone, not seeming to be able to sleep. I tackled him and clung to him, trembling. He flinched and slowly pat my back. "Hhee--yy, what's wroo-ng?" He asked. I shook my head and buried my face into his jacket. He hugged me and sighed. "C-can you sing me to sleep...?" I asked shyly. He blushed but nodded. "All--rright." He said. He turned on a song and sang quietly.

When he finished singing, I smiled and fell asleep, him falling asleep shortly afterwards.

~the next day~

(Error's PoV)
I woke up and saw blueberry on top of me, snuggled close. I blushed softly, seeing I was holding him close. I slowly pulled my arms away and stared at him. Ink soon came downstairs and stared. He glared at blueberry before chuckling. It sounded kinda fake. "Guess he fell asleep on ya, huh error?" He asked, leaning against the wall. I blushed and looked away. "Not my faa--uulltt hey ran downstairs and jumped on me..." I grumbled. Ink laughed quietly and walked into the kitchen. "Welp, good luck there pal." He said. "No wa--iit-t, ink!" I growled as I got no reply. I gently picked up blueberry and sat up. I got up and set him down on the couch. He curled up, still asleep. I walked into the kitchen and glared at ink who giggled. I shook my head and smiled, leaning against the counter. Ink slowly grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. He took out his paint brush and painted a huge grass plain and made it come to life. I touched the grass in awe. I chuckled and ran through it. Ink ran with me, smiling. Soon, he tackled me down, causing me to laugh. We rolled a bit before he got me pinned to the ground. We blushed, staring at eachother silently. As Ink seemed like he was about to lean in, blueberry tackled him off of me, giggling. I sat up laughing. Blueberry rolled off of ink as they both glared at eachother. I smiled and scratched my skull, looking off into the grassy plain.

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