Chapter 5- Hanging Out

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(Ink's PoV)
I slowly awoke to the sound of my phone buzzing. I yawned and sat up, grabbing my phone. I was only wearing a white t-shirt that had parts of it ripped off, revealing parts of my spine and ribs and some black shorts.

The messages

???: Hey its error!

Error: don't ask how I got your number 0-0"

Error: i totally didn't sneak into your house or something 030

Error: ok i might be making breakfast .3.

Error: just, get down here, your gonna hang with me and blueberry today whether you like it or not. C:


I chuckled and got up, walking downstairs. My cabin was pretty big. I walked out of my room and walked downstairs. The smell of eggs and bacon filled the air. I chuckled and slowly walked into the kitchen and leaned against the door way to see error setting the table. He actually seemed to be a really good cook. "Heh, I only met you yesterday and your already making breakfast for me. He flinched and chuckled softly, looking at me. He eyed me before blushing softly. I tilted my head, realizing what I was wearing. I blushed and looked away. "These are my pj's, don't judge.." He chuckled and sat down. I slowly walked over and sat down aswell. We ate and talked for a bit until we finished. I got to know him a little more. He got up and cleaned the table and washed the dishes. "What are you, my butler?" I asked with a chuckle. He laughed. "I'll go get dressed in something more, proper." I said and he nodded. I left and went upstairs, getting dressed in my usual clothes. When I came back down I saw him looking at himself in a mirror, sticking out... three tounges...? I slowly walked over, slightly horiffied. "YOU HAVE THREE TOUNGES!?!?!?" I asked, surprised. He yelped and laughed. "Eh, s--orta." He said with a stretch. My eyes widened. "What the fuck are you, dude?" I asked. He smirked,"I'm a different kinda monster." He stated. I chuckled. He laughed,"Let's go." He said and grabbed my hand. He pulled my outside of the cabin before teleporting to the universe I assumed swap was in. We were in waterfall, in a secret place. It had a lake in the middle and echo flowers were scattered around. He sat at the edge of the lake and took off his slippers and put his feet in the water. I took off my boots and sat beside him, also putting my feet in the water. We talked for a while. He hesitated but told me that the only reason swap knows him so well is because he kidnapped him. I was a little surprised but understood that he glitches most of the time which causes him to not act like himself. He told me that swap doesn't like to talk about it much. I nodded as swap arrived.

(Blueberry's PoV)
I got to the secret spot and saw that the friend error brought along was ink! I smiled and waved. They waved back. "Anyone up for a swim?" I asked. Error smirked and quickly got up. "You bet I am." He said and took off his sweater and shirt, keeping his shorts on. He jumped into the lake, leaving bits of what seemed like green code behind him. I chuckled and blushed, seeing his ribs and spine through the water. Ink seemed to stare, blushing which made me feel somewhat jealous again. I still didn't understand why! I took off the sweater that pap let me borrow and the t-shirt under it. I took off my boots and left my pants on, jumping in. Ink stayed on the surface. Error gave me a mischievous look as he sunk underwater. I watched as blue strings attached to Ink's feet. He yelped as he was pulled into the water. He swam up, trembling. "WHAT WAS THAT!?!?" He yelled as error came up, laughing.

(Error's PoV)
Ha! Ink's reaction was priceless! He glared at me, growling. I laughed more, blueberry joining in. Eventually, we were all laughing and swimming.

~1 hour later~

We got out and put our clothes, except for ink who I had pulled in with all his clothes. He was soaking wet but he didn't seem to mind. We said our goodbyes to blueberry and went back to the void. We went to his cabin and relaxed on the couch. Ink left to change into dry clothes. I layed on the couch and slowly fell asleep.

(Ink's PoV)
I can't believe error pulled me into the water. He showed me that he can create strings whenever he pleased. I haven't had this much fun in years. He seemed to be capable of making me laugh so easily! I noticed that swap seemed to be glaring at me often. I won't question it though. I put on a black turtle neck that had a yellow star in the middle of it and some blue jeans. I walked back downstairs to see error asleep on my couch. I sighed and shook my head. I walked over and picked him up, carrying him to my room. I layed him on my bed and covered him with a blanket. I layed beside him and sighed, staring at him before slowly falling asleep.

~the next day~

(Error's PoV)
I slowly woke up to see I was in Ink's room. I yawned and tried to move, only to feel to arms wrap around me tightly. I turned my head slightly to see ink nuzzled up against me and holding my close. He was still asleep. I blushed softly and took out my phone to see blueberry had messaged me.


Blueberry: Hey error!

Error: I'm having a bit of a crisis here 0///0'

Blueberry: really? What's up?

Error: uh.... 0//0

Error: *takes a picture of himself and shows the ink is holding him close and sends the picture* help 0///0

Blueberry: I wish that was me.. ;)


Blueberry: hahah! Can't you teleport away from him?

Error: oh yea... but...

Blueberry: what? Are you enjoying being held? Õ_O

Error: i feel like you'll judge me if I answer honestly.

Blueberry: ERROR

Error: hahah! Yea yea, I'll talk to ya later.


I slowly teleported beside the bed and looked at him. He seemed to frown slightly and curled up. I chuckled, putting my phone away. That's when... my eyes started glitching, and I felt a large pain in my head. It was becoming hard to see. I panicked and gripped my head. 'No, not now!!' I thought. I made a peice of paper appear as I felt blood leak out of the side of my mouth. I put some on my finger and used it to write,

Dear ink,

I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly but uh, heh... I'm glitching... this happens everytime I use my powers to much... it'll mess with me, heh.. ill, see ya later.. hopefully... please don't look for me...

Signed, Error

I left the note on his bed side table and teleported out of the cabin, causing me to cough up some code mixed with blood. I ran as fast and as far away as I could, leaving a trail of green code and blood behind me.
Yo, just to let yal know, I am taking ideas because I sometimes run out of them -×-"

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