Chapter 1- New Job✅

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Chapter 1
Loving His Demons
Wyatt's POV
April 27th

I run my fingers through my messy blonde hair and sigh while looking at my table filled with bills that I need to pay. I'm 3 months behind in rent and it's only a matter of time before I am evicted. I feel myself become angry when I remember why I was fired.

"Mr. Edley can I have a word with you?" My boss says. I look at him confused and slowly get up from my desk I walk by my exes desk and I see him smirking. Rolling my eyes I walk into my bosses office and sit on the chair across from his desk. "Now Mr.Edley I know you've been an employee for many years now but recently there's been some complaints about you." My boss says. "What kind of complaints?" I ask. He opens his mouth hesitating "there was a complaint that you have been sexually harassing one of our employees" he says. "You have got to be joking. You believe them?" I ask annoyed. "Not necessarily but I can't have this type of complaint going to HR so I hate to say this but your fired" FUCK! I scream mentally my hands ball into fist as tears blur my vision. I get up slowly and walk to the door. Walking out of the office I pass my ex who is still smirking. Realization dawns on me and I reach over and punch him "you fucking bastard! How could you tell a lie like that!" I scream as I punch him repeatedly. Security grabs me off of him and escorts me out side. Once I'm outside I punch the wall until I'm exhausted turn around and slide down the wall breaking into sobs

~Flashback over~

It's been 3 months and I haven't been able to find a new job. I'm getting desperate I need a job. Sighing I grab my laptop and start scrolling through the Internet. I come across this page that needs someone working as a dancer in a club. I bit my lip and sighed. It's not like I have any other options. Shakily I grab my cell phone and type in the number for the club and push call.

"Evan speaking" the voice says. "Uh yeah hi. I saw an ad for your club and was wondering how I could get the job" I say biting my lip. "The one as a dancer?" He asks. I nod my head and then realize he can't see me. "Yes that one" I tell him. "Well It's fairly simple. We'll pick a time to meet and if I feel you are up to our standard you will be hired" he tells me. "When can we meet?" I ask him "are you free today?" He asks. "Yes"
"then meet me at the moment of peace cafe in an hour and we'll go from there. Can I get your name?" He asks. "Oh right yeah um it's Wyatt Edley" I tell him. "Alright Wyatt I Look forward to meeting you."

"Me too" I say while hanging up.

I look at the time on my phone and see that it's 12. I hurry and get into a cold shower because I can't afford hot water. Shivering I quickly wash my hair and body and get out of the shower. I walk into my room and go through the little clothes I have grabbing an old button up I pull the shirt on and grab some dark jeans. I slip my vans on and walk into the bathroom. Quickly doing my hair I grab my phone and see I have 20 minutes left. I grab my keys and walk towards the door. I open my door to see my landlord standing outside.

 I open my door to see my landlord standing outside

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"You haven't payed." He says flatly. I shut my eyes tightly. "I know. I swear I'll have money soon I'm on my way to a job interview now but if you don't move I'll be late and you won't get any money." I say calmly. He glares at me but moves out of my way.

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