Chapter 12- Date night and throwing up

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Chapter 12
Loving His Demons
David's POV
June 27th

I hold the phone to my ear and listen to the ringing "Hello" an angelic voice answers.

"Hey baby how are you feeling?" I ask him
"I'm better" he tells me. "Good I'm glad. Are you feeling well enough to go on our date that I've been meaning to take you to for the last 2 weeks?"

He chuckles "Yeah we can go tonight" he says.

"Great! Be ready by 6" I tell him and hang up after saying good bye.

I was supposed to take Wyatt on a date last week but I got held up in court and Wyatt's been sick so we haven't been able to but we can today and I am happy about it.

"What's with the smile?" Brayden asks. "I finally get to go on the date with Wyatt" I say and he laughs. "You've done a whole 360 with your attitude"

I shrug. "I gotta to its already 4 and I got shit to do"

When I get home I take a quick shower and get dressed in a red dress shirt and some black jeans with my doc martens I put a black watch on and some black sunglasses

When I get home I take a quick shower and get dressed in a red dress shirt and some black jeans with my doc martens I put a black watch on and some black sunglasses

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(David's outfit)

I grab my tan wallet and put it in my pocket. I walk back to the bathroom and style my hair. Once I'm ready I leave to go pick Wyatt up.

It take me 20 minutes to get to his apartment complex. I get out of my car and walk up the stairs to his apartment. I knock on the door and he opens it and looks pale.

"Are you okay?" I frown. He nods his head "Yeah Yeah I'm fine just threw up again. Let me finish getting ready and we can go" he says and disappointment floods my system.

"Wyatt if you're still not feeling good we can post pone the date again" I tell him.

He comes out of the bathroom and glares at me. "No. I want to go on this date I am not gonna let some throwing up stop me. I'm going on this date with you and that is final do you understand me?" He says sternly. I nod my head "yes dear" I reply and he sticks his tongue out at me.

He goes back into the bathroom and finishes getting ready.

He comes back out about 5 minutes later and he's dressed in a gray shirt with the sleeves darker then the rest of the shirt, tan pants, black sunglasses and a silver watch. He puts on some converse and tells me he's ready.

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