Chapter 23- Thanksgiving Peace

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Chapter 23

Loving His Demons

Wyatt's POV

November 24th (27 weeks and 3 days)

I knock on the bathroom door lightly and open the door and see David staring blankly at the mirror while fumbling with his tie. I walk over to him and turn him around so I can fix his tie. I glance up at him and he's staring down at me with no emotion in his eyes. I kiss his lips and lean over so my mouth is right by the shell of his ear. "Come back to me" I whisper as I grab his hands and put them on my stomach so he can feel our daughter kick.

He snaps out of it and wraps his hands around my waist and buries his face in my neck. "I don't want to go" He mumbles in my neck shaking slightly. I rub his strong muscular back "I know Monkey but It'll be okay" I tell him kissing his head lightly. He steps back "It's never okay he always tries to make my life a living hell. You remember the consequences of last time" He says rubbing his wrist lightly as I rub my neck.


William glares "How could you date a Whore like David? Seducing his own father!" He yells angrily.

"Well I guess us Whores have to stick together right? William excuse me but your pathetic for thinking a 5 year old can seduce a grown ass man" I scoff getting annoyed.

"William I understand you hate me for what happened-" David starts to say but William cuts him off and stands up. "What happened!? You got Papa taken away! Now he is rotting in jail for something you deserved! You deserved to get beat! You deserved to get rape! Like the fucking whore you are!"

"I DID IT TO PROTECT YOU!" David screams shooting to his feet his chest heaving.

"What the hell are you talking about?" William hisses.

"You were always close to Papa! I was always close to Daddy. I looked up to you William! I wanted to be just like you. Papa wanted you William! He wanted to have sex with you not me! I saw him going into your room one night and I asked what he was doing. He got mad at me and told me if I told anyone you would get sent away. I begged and pleaded for him not to make that happen. I told him I'd do anything as long as you didn't have to leave. So I became his sex toy. I was beat and raped everyday for 10 years William! All so I could protect you! And What do I get for it!? I get you hating me, treating me like shit, calling me all these horrible names that I WAS ALREADY CALLING MYSELF! Do you know how many times I've tried killing myself!? Do you know how many times I have harmed myself to get away from the pain that I feel everyday! I still have nightmares William! I cry every damn night, you can even ask Wyatt because he's the one holding me telling me that no one is going to hurt me. I did all of this to protect you. All I wanted was my big brother to hold me and tell me he loves me but instead I get him hating me. Do you know how that feels?" David whispers at the end tears streaming down his handsome face.

William looks at him eyes wide in shock. He's looking in David's eyes trying to assess if he's lying or not. David scoff leaving the room and running up the stairs.

"Do you have ANY idea what you've just done!?" I stand up feeling pissed off. William just stares at me I walk up to him and slap him. Hard. "THAT'S for treating my boyfriend like shit his entire life." I say and slap him again "AND that's for all the times he felt alone and tried killing himself or hurting himself" I say and once again slap him. "THAT'S for being a douche bag and calling David a whore for NO reason if anyone is to blame it's your father. David was protecting you, You should be thanking him not making him feel like shit. You have no idea how many times a night he has a nightmare and he calls out YOUR name William to come and save him." I say and slap him one more time I look at his bright red face his left cheek slowly bruising. "AND that is for the consequences I have to go deal with so I hope you're happy." I say and walk up the stairs walking towards David's old room.

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