Chapter 7- I feel safe with you

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Chapter 7
Loving His Demons
Wyatt's POV
May 21st

Come here you fucking whore! He screams at me. I cry and try to escape but theres no luck. He grabs my ankle and pulls me towards him. He growls and smacks my ass. He covers my mouth and I sob. Im naked on the floor and he spreads my legs "please I'm sorry I'm sorry I cry"

He puts something over my mouth to muffle the sounds. He spreads my legs wider and bites my inner thighly roughly. He enters me and I feel myself being ripped in half. I scream and scream but he keeps going. He pulls out a knife and stabs me in the chest

I wake up and scream. I've been having these nightmares for three days and they keep getting worse

I grab my phone and see it's 3 am I have a debeate in my head. Its been 2 1/2 weeks since I met the man who gave me money for his time. He comes to see me everyday at work but never talks to me. He hasn't been there in 3 days and I wonder if thats the reason I've been having these nightmares. Every time I see him at work I feel like I'm safe and he cant hurt me. But the man hasn't been there in 3 days did he give up? Yes because you're worthless a voice inside my head hissed

Tears cloud my vision and against my better judgement I call him.

It rings 4 times before he answers "Picozzi" he answers coldly. I wince and the words get stuck in my mouth. "Hello? If this is some kind of joke its not fucking funny" he growls

"I-its W-Wyatt" I stutter. "Oh Wyatt hey are you okay? Is something wrong?" He asks his voice becoming a bit softer.

"Don't do that again" I whisper

Do what?" He asks. "Answer so coldly it scares me" I tell him.

"I'm sorry I didnt know it was you calling I'll save your number and I won't answer so coldly when you call" he says

"You shouldn't answer coldly towards anyone" I mumble.

"You're right I'll make sure to work on that. Anyways are you okay?" He asks

"I uh I keep having nightmares. And you said I could call if I needed anything and I really don't have other friends and oh god its 3 am you probably didn't even mean it oh god I'm so sorry-"

"Wyatt I meant it. I told you if you needed  anything you could call me and I meant it." He says

"Then why haven't you been at the club" I ask sadly

He chuckles "you havent called me so I thought maybe you'd call if I stopped coming for a few days. I Was gonna go tomorrow but it looks like my plan work" he says smugly. I roll my eyes
"Do you think you could maybe come over?" I ask him quietly.

"If that's what you want then sure I'll be over there as soon as I can just give me your address" he says.

" Thanks. I just... I Just keep having these nightmares and I don't want to be alone" I whisper

"Hey hey its okay I understand believe me I Do I get frequent nightmares" he tells me

"Really?" I ask

"Yeah but we can talk about that when I get there just text me your address" he says

"Wait. I uh just I'm not rich like you are so just dont be disgusted when you see where I live. It's the only thing I can afford."

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