Chapter 24- I need help

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Chapter 24

Loving His Demons

David's POV

November 25th

I stare at Wyatt's peaceful face as he continues to sleep on my chest. Slowly lifting him off I slide off of the bed and head into the bathroom to brush me teeth. I walk out of the bathroom turning off the light and heading out of my room and walking downstairs.

Everyone turns their heads and look at me "Dad can I talk to you?" I ask him and he nods at me and we head into the backyard. We sit in silence as I try to gather my thoughts and he let's me have the quiet. The cold morning breeze hits my face soothingly and I embrace the breeze I smile at the feeling. "There's something wrong with me and I need help" I say lowly.

My dad puts his coffee cup down and moves to sit next me and gathers me in his arms. "I just got so angry. I don't know why" I whimper in his chest. "It'll be okay we'll get you help. Zachary is a psychologist do you want to try talking to him?" He asks and I shrug.

"I don't know dad. I hate asking for help. It makes me feel powerless like I'm not in control of my life. It makes me feel like even though he's in jail he's still controlling my life. After everything he did to me he still controls my life he left me with physical and mental scars and admitting that I need help is like admitting that he fucked me up. I'm unhappy and I hate my life and it's all his fault. I hate him I hate him so much dad. Why me? Am I a bad person? What did I do to deserve this daddy? I hate him I have nightmares every night because of him" I cry into his chest and he shushes me.

"I'm scared. What if I lose Wyatt because of what I've done this is the second time I've hurt him" I whine.

"When was the first time?" My dad asks and I sigh. "Last month when we were here. When I yelled at William I ran up to my room, I hurt myself and then I had a flashback and he came in and he touched me and I thought it was papa so I pushed him into the wall and choked him. I didn't know it was him but now he's scared of me he flinches every time I'm near him and it hurts but I know it's my fault and I don't want him to leave me." I say.

"I'm not going to leave you" I hear Wyatt's voice call out. He walks over and sit's next to me and I tense. My dad slowly gets up to leave us alone.

"I'm not leaving you. You want help and that's all that matters to me" He says and leans over to kiss me softly.

"Stay here I'm gonna go find Zachary" I tell him and kiss his forehead before standing up to walk back inside.

I find him in the living room with William. Biting my lip I say "Hey Zachary? Do you think we could talk?" He looks over at me and smiles and nods his head. He kisses William's cheek and follows me out to the backyard.

I walk over to Wyatt and hand him my sweatshirt because it's pretty cold outside and sit next to him.

"I need help. T-There's something wrong with me" I say lowly. Zach stares at me and my heart starts beating faster at the attention.

"I'll help you but you have to be committed to getting better. The only way you will get better is if you truly want to get better. If you don't want to get better all you're going to do is be wasting your time and money" He says to me and I look over at Wyatt who gives me an encouraging smile and a soft kiss on my lips.

I look back at Zachary "I want help. I need to be better for my boyfriend and our kids. I'm not alone anymore I just want to be happy" I say and break down into sobs. I put my head in my hands and try to calm myself down as Wyatt rubs slow circles on my back giving me the space I need to collect myself.

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