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Loving His Demons
Wyatt's POV
February 18th (39 weeks and 5 days)

"Hey button how you feeling?" I hear a voice say while rubbing the ache in my back.

"I feel horrible these contractions need to stop or hurry up one or the other" I grumble in annoyance and wince when I feel another contraction come on. "Fucking shit man this fucking hurts!"

Suddenly I feel a gush of wetness between my legs and the pain I was feeling intensifies by 10. "Holy fucking shit!" I scream in pain and clutch my belly.

"What's wrong? What happened?" David asks and I groan in pain tears filling my eyes.

"She's coming!" I yell and he looks at me dumbfounded.

"David I need--- ow shit! I need the hospital now!" I tell and he snaps out of it and rushes to grab our things and he comes back minutes later and picks me up and rushes me to the car.

"The kids the kids!" I say with a groan as he puts me in the front seat and kisses my forehead. "Don't worry Sophie has them." He says and runs around to the side of the car and hops in and shoves the keys into the ignition and pulls out quickly and speeds to the hospital.

"Shit this hurts so much!" I start crying. "I'm so sorry button" he says as we pull into the hospital. He gets out of the car quickly and I groan in pain.

He opens my door and picks me up and rushes into the hospital our doctor meets us there and puts me on a stretcher. I am then rolled into a room and hooked up to monitors and IV's are put in me.

"We're going to get you some pain medicine alright?" he says and I nod my head. "David I want David" I cry and I feel hands on my stomach. "I'm right here Button I'm not going anywhere." He coos.

The doctor came back with the pain medicine and I lay on my side waiting for the large needle. David rubs my belly and I whimper at the pain.

"Shh baby it's okay. You'll feel better soon" he says and I nod my head and my eyes flutter closed.

I wake up later and I see David smiling at me and I smile back tiredly.

I feel a dull pain in my stomach and I look confused, "You're having a contraction" He says and I nod my head in understanding.

"Doc said you'll be having a C-section soon" he says and I nod my head again and look up at him. He's rubbing my stomach and looking up at me with so much love I gasp. He kisses my forehead and I smile and close my eyes soaking in the feeling. 

30 minutes later I'm being wheeled into the operating room and they start setting up for my C-Section.

"You're going to feel some pressure" the doc says and David holds my hand. I squeeze it and feel tugging and pulling in my stomach.

Awhile later I hear a crying sound fill the air and I gasp in surprise. David cuts the umbilical cord and they bring her by my head for a few seconds before they take her away.

"M' tired" I mumble and David kisses my forehead, "It's okay to sleep" he says and I let my eyes close.

A crying sound wakes me up and I see David over a crib picking our daughter up. I groan slightly and  my eyes flutter open slowly and I take in my surroundings. I look over and see David holding our daughter making me smile at the sight. 

"I wanna hold her" I whisper hoarsely and gaining his attention David whips his head around. "Hey sleepy head" David comes over and I hold my arms out and he gently places her in my arms.

"Do you feel up to visitors?" He asks after a few minutes of me soaking in her features and I nod my head.

David gets up and walks out and a few minutes later he comes in with Brayden, Scarlett, Sophie, and Parker

"Hey guys" I croak out and they come over to see her and they all awe.

"What's her name?" They ask and I look at David and smile. "Molly Ava  Davies" we say at the same time.

They all coo at her and I gently rub my finger over her cheek in awe of how she beautiful she is.

"We made her." David whispers in awe and I nod my head and smile. "We did" I say my voice thick with tears.

"I'm so proud of you." He tells me and I look deeply in his eyes to see how proud he is of me. I hear Sophie and Brayden leave with the kids giving us a minute.  

He gently takes Molly out of my hands kissing her forehead setting her back in the crib he comes back over to the bed and sits on the edge. I smile at him sleepily and he smiles back.

"I love you so much Wyatt do you know that?" he asks me and I see tears fill his eyes and I frown and nod. "Of course I do Monkey" I whisper. 

"Why are you crying?" I ask him confused and he shakes his head and leans over capturing my lips in a searing kiss that leaves me breathless when he pulls away. 

"I'm just happy. We've made such a beautiful girl we have such a beautiful family and I'm just so lucky to have you because I don't deserve you." He tells me emotions thick in his voice and my eyes water. 

"Monkey you do deserve me. You do deserve happiness you have been through so much and you deserve all the happiness in the world and I am glad I can be the one who gives you that happiness cause you make me happy and I love you so much and our beautiful family" I smile at him and caress his cheek. He turns his face and kisses my hand. 

"I have so many demons though. How could you still be here?" He mumbles looking at me as if this is all a dream.

 I shrug "We are all searching  for someone whose demons play well with ours. Our demons are what make us who we are and I will never hate you for your demons because your demons are what makes you the man I love. As someone once stated "If you're going to love him you have to love him for everything he is. Loving his Demons is apart of loving him you cannot love only the good part of him you have to love the bad part of him too. I will never stop loving you or your demons David." I tell him and he smiles tearfully pulling me gently into a hug and stuffing his face into neck.

 I feel the stress leaving his body and I rub his back to comfort him and after this I know we will be able to get through anything that comes our way. Loving His Demons is what I signed up for and I am the happiest I have ever been and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

A/N: The end. I plan on editing this story and adding more details and possibly making some chapters longer. Thank you for everyone who has read this story. Next story in the Loving His series will be out soon!

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