Chapter 28- Santa Claus

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Loving His Demons

Chapter 28

David's POV

December 12th

"Papa we go see Santa?" Parker asks looking up at me with wide eyes.

"Course, after we go to daddy's appointment" I tell him and he whines

"No I want to go now!" He yells stomping his Foot.

"No Parker we are going to Daddy's appointment to check on the baby" I say sternly and he screams "NO I WANT TO SEE SANTA RIGHT NOW I HATE THE BABY!"

My eyes widen as anger course throughout my body.

"You're not going to see Santa now. I'm going to call Santa and tell him you're a bad boy now go to your room!" I say sternly.

"What no!?" Parker yells.

"NOW PARKER! I SAID NOW, GO TO YOUR ROOM!" I scream at him and he rushes up the stairs out of my sight.

I feel my body start shaking as adrenaline runs through my body. I feel arms wrap around my waist and I tense at the intrusion and then relax at the sparks that seem to calm me down.

Wyatt pulls me to the couch and lays his head in my lap. With shaking hands I run my fingers through his hair.

"I'm gonna go check on Parker" Wyatt says after making sure I have calmed down and I nod and help him off of the couch.

I put  my head in my hands and take deep breaths.

"Papa?" I hear a voice say quietly.

I look up and see Parker's tear stained face.

"Yes Parker?" I ask him quietly.

"Papa mad at me?" He asks. "Papa's upset yes" I tell him and his eyes water.

"Parker bad boy?" He asks me.

"You're not a bad boy Parker but how you acted was very very wrong" I tell him and he nods his head and walks away sadly. Wyatt comes back out and raises a brow at me. "Go get him dressed. If he's good we'll still go see Santa does that seem fair?" I ask Wyatt and he bites his lip.

"He's just a kid David" Wyatt says softly and I scoff.

"So because he's a kid that gives him the right to act like that?" I Ask and Wyatt sighs.

"Whatever you handle his punishments then. I'll be in the car" I tell him and get up but Wyatt grabs my arm before I can leave.

"David please don't do this. I don't want to fight with you" He says quietly.

"Neither do I but you never accept my decisions as a parent"

"I-I'm not trying to do that David you know that. I'm just trying to get to you to not be as harsh on him" He says and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever" I say and leave the house.

Wyatt comes out 15 minutes later with Parker and Scarlette. He opens the doors and buckles the kids in. He gets into the passenger side and I pull out of our driveway and begin driving to the hospital.

"Monkey?" Wyatt says softly and I shake my head no.

"It's fine Wyatt. I'm an asshole and a terrible parent. So I'll stop being a parent and let you do all the work." I say and Wyatt rolls his eyes.

"You're being dramatic David" He says.

"There's a difference between being dramatic and being hurt Wyatt" I say and Wyatt doesn't respond.

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