Chapter 16- Relapsing

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Chapter 16
Loving His Demons
David's POV
August 10th

"She's crying again! Why is she crying again!?" Wyatt whines.

"I'll get her go back to sleep baby." I say and he whines again. "But I'm supposed to be the one to take care of her" he says

"And I told you I would help you anyway I could. So go back to sleep it's 3 am and you're 3 months and always tired Parker's gonna wake up soon and you have a doctor's appointment at 10 so just let me get her" I say and lean down to kiss his forehead.

I get up out of bed and walk across the room to pick up Scarlette from her Bassinet.

I cradle her in my arms and walk out of the room and downstairs into the kitchen. We have managed to get everything that baby Scarlette needs in the last two weeks.

I open the cabinet door and get a bottle out. I open the next cabinet and get her food out. I fill the bottle up with water and then put the food in the bottle and then shake it up. I but the bottle in the microwave for 15 seconds and then take it out putting the top on the bottle

I walk in the living room and head towards the rocking chair and sit in it. I rub the nipple against her mouth and she opens her mouth and starts sucking on the bottle.

She finishes eating after about a half hour I continue to rock her and close my eyes I woke up when I felt a pair of arms on me

I open my eyes and see Parker staring at the baby I look across the room and see Wyatt standing with his arms crossed and his left foot over his right

"You will be a great father" he says quietly I shrug my shoulders and start tracing Scarlet's features.

"I hope so... I'm so afraid I'm gonna end up like him..." I whisper choked up.

Wyatt comes over and wraps his arms around me and kissed me cheeks. "You won't be like whoever you're talking about baby. I believe you will be a wonderful father" He says softly.

I turn my head and kiss his lips softly. "What time is it?" I ask him

"It's about 7:30" he says.

"Alright why don't I go make breakfast and then we'll get ready for your doctors appointment." I say and he nods his head.

I get up slowly with Scarlette in my arms and hand her to Wyatt.

I stretch my stiff arms out and walk into the kitchen.

"Hey Parker" I say and he comes into the room.

"Yes?" He asks.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I ask him

"Pancakes!" He says.

"What kind of pancakes?" I ask again.

"Chocolate!" He yells and I chuckle.

"Like father Like son" I laugh and freeze.

Parker stares at me with tears in his eyes and rushes out of the room.

"Goddamnit" I curse quietly.

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