Chapter 22- I Did it to protect you!

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Chapter 22

Loving His Demons

David's POV

October 31st

I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling. The feeling of worthlessness comes at me full force. "Monkey?" I hear Wyatt call.

I look over at him and he smiles sadly. "Are you coming to my appointment?" He asks me and I look over confused.

"My prenatal check up babe. Remember?" He asks worriedly.

"What's today?" I ask him quietly. "It's Monday Monkey" He says walking over to me.

I sit up "Monday? The 31st?" I ask and he nods his head.

"Woah. Where have the weeks gone?" I asked to myself.

"Well. You've been in your head the last 3 weeks. Are you okay?" He asks and I shake my head and walk into the bathroom and search my medicine cabinet. "Shit!" I curse

"Babe? What's wrong?" Wyatt asks.

"My medicine! It's gone! Where is it!?" I yell and he flinches.

"You finished the bottle you called in for a refill. I thought you picked up?" He asks tentively

"Well obviously not!" I snapped at him. I sigh and look at him "I'm sorry button. I need that medicine without my Bipolar is out of control as you may have witnessed." I say.

"Well if you hurry and get ready we can stop at the pharmacy before my appointment" He says and I try to smile and fail. He walks over and wraps his arms around my neck and kiss me.

"Now get ready" He says and leaves the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth not caring about my hair I walk into the closet and grab some old sweats and a large sweatshirt. Walking out I grab my black vans and put them on.

I walk downstairs and Wyatt looks at me. "You're going to wear that?" He asks and I frown looking down. "What's wrong with it?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "Nothing Monkey it's just not something you'd usually wear outside of the house. But if you're okay with it then so am I Monkey you're sexy no matter what" He says and walks over and pecks my lips while walking out of the house. I follow him and see Sophia here.

"What are you doing here?" I ask softly and she smiles. "Wyatt has made me his official babysitter so I am here to babysit while you guys go out. Is that okay?" She asks and I nod my head and leave the house. I walk to our car and get into the car. Wyatt already has the keys in the ignition for me and so I pull out of the driveway and head to the pharmacy. We go through the driveway and I get my medicine. I open the bottle and grab some pills and Wyatt hands me some water. I smile gratefully and take the pills.

Sighing I rest my head against the headrest and Wyatt tilts my head towards him and kisses me.

"I love you Monkey" He says softly putting his forehead against mine.

"I love you too button" I say just as softly.

"Good we're going to your dads for dinner" He says and I groan.

I pull out and head to the doctor's office. When we get there we head in and Wyatt signs himself in as I go and sit in the waiting room chair. We get called in and the doctor leads us to a room and as usual Wyatt sits on the table and I sit in the chair.

"Okay so this is not going to be a fun visit. We'll check your weight and blood pressure, we'll measure your uterus to estimate the growth of your baby, check your baby's heart rate, and you'll drink this drink and then I will draw your blood so we can check to see if you have developed gestational diabetes. I'll have you drink the drink first and then we'll do all the other things during the hour you have to wait does that sound okay?" He asks Wyatt and Wyatt nods his head in approval. The doctor hands him the drink and Wyatt drinks it and after he's done he hands the drink back to the doctor.

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