Chapter 20- Hurtful Words

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Chapter 20

Loving His Demons

David's POV

October 3rd

I rub circles on his lower back as Wyatt cries into my chest the for the 3rd time tonight. "M-Make T-them S-stop" He cries out clinging to me. "Shh baby it's okay baby I'm here." I coo into his ear softly. "I-I'm S-Scared" He sobs. "I know baby I know" I whisper into his ear. I try to pull him back but he cries harder so I lay us down on our bed and let him cry while I run my fingers through his hair. He cries for hours and hearing how much pain he is in and how scared he is makes me tear up.

When he stops crying I slowly pull him back and he starts whimpering again. "Hey Hey I just want to see your face. I'm not leaving" I say and he calms down. I pull him back so I can see his face and seeing it makes my heart tighten in pain.

His eye is black and swollen shut and his face is red and blotchy. I slowly touch his eye and he flinches and whimpers. "Baby what happened?" I say softly and he shakes his head. "I-I don't want to talk about it please don't make me" He whimpers.

"Okay Okay. Why don't we go take a bath to calm you down." I say and he starts shaking his head frantically

"No! You can't see me! You'll think I'm ugly!" He starts crying. I get up and he starts crying again. I gather him in my arms and walk into our bathroom. I sit him on the counter next to the bathtub and make sure I am still in touching distance. I turn the bath on and walk back to him. I gently lift his shirt and he starts whimpering. I put it back down and cup his face gently. I rub the pads of my thumbs over his cheeks and kiss him gently on the lips.

"Button I need to see what happened and if you won't tell me then I have to check you myself. I need to make sure you and our daughter are okay. I won't think you're ugly and I won't hate you. Please let me care for you" I say tears stinging my eyes.

He nods his head and I take his shirt off. I see bruises over his chest. I lift him off of the counter and turn him around where I see bruises and slashes that look like they're from a whip across his back.

I close my eyes and taking a calming breath. When I look down my face grows pale when I see blood on his shorts. I slowly take his shorts off along with his underwear and see dried blood on the back of his thighs. I turn him around and pull him into a hug "Jesus Wyatt" I say my voice breaking.

He starts crying "You think I'm ugly" He whimpers and I shake my head. I look him in the eyes and caress his cheek "No button you're the most beautiful person I know." I say and kiss his forehead. I turn the bath off and put in the necessary oils.

"Did the person kick your stomach at all? Because if they did baby we really need to go to the hospital to check on her" I say and he shakes his head. "She's fine" He says. "How do you know?" I ask and he grabs my hand and puts it on his stomach where I can feel our daughter kicking making me sigh in relief.

"Button I know you're not going to like this but I need you to bend over so I can see if there's any damage" I say and he whimpers and bends over. I grab a flashlight from the drawer and start assessing his entrance where the dried blood came from. After 15 minutes I conclude he doesn't need to go to the hospital.

"Come on let's take a bath now" I say and he whimpers again "Its going to hurt" I nod my head "Yes baby it will but the bath has some oils in it that also has some medicine to start healing your rectum" I say and he cringes at the word.

I step into the bath first and sit down and he steps in and slowly gets into the water making a whimpering noise when his bottom touches the water. He clings onto my hand until the pain subsides and leans against my chest.

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