Chapter 6- I Just want your time✅

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Chapter 6
Loving His Demons
David's POV
May 8th

I sit up quickly from my bed breathing heavily. Clutching my head I scream in frustration I feel hands touching me and I scream again "shh shh it's okay David it's just Brayden. It's alright it was just a bad dream" he tells me calming me instantly at his soothing voice.

I take a deep breath in and release it. I slowly get up and get out of bed and head into the bathroom to get ready for work. I brush my teeth and style my hair. Walking out of the bathroom and towards my closet and grab a purple button up. I button it up with shaky fingers I've been having these nightmares for the last 2 days and I don't know how much longer I can take it without breaking.

 I button it up with shaky fingers I've been having these nightmares for the last 2 days and I don't know how much longer I can take it without breaking

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I grab some briefs and throw them on and then grab my dress pants. I grab my suit jacket and tie and throw those on quickly. I rest my head against the wall and try to fight the depression that's threatening to swallow me. The conflicting thoughts in my head causes me to release a shaky breath.

Arms wrap around my waist and the familiar smell of Brayden fills my nostrils. "You're okay. Just fight it I'm right here you'll be fine" He whispers against my neck.

Some would think we're dating but that's never been the case we've just always been cuddly especially after what happened nearly 15 years ago. He was the only one I could be around without freaking out. He was the only one that I would allow to touch me without going into a full blown panic attack. It took me years to allow other people to touch me and even now I still don't like it.

He steps away and I grab my dress shoes and socks. I put those on quickly and grab my keys and wallet. I head downstairs and grab an energy drink from the fridge.

Brayden hands me my pills making me groan and he heads to his side of the house to get ready and we head to the SUV once he's ready.

"Where to boss?" He asks me

"My office I have work to do." I tell him. He nods his head and starts the 20 minute drive to my law firm.

Once we arrive I head up to my office and I see a younger lawyer looking at me nervously.

"How may I help you Ms. Cooke?" I ask coldly. She swallows nervously. "I have a problem boss" she tells me.

"Obviously or else you wouldn't be standing here now would you?" I say with a raised brow. She gulps nervously while swaying back and forth slightly.

"uhm well. I have a case and we needed a key witness and we had one but now she doesn't want to testify and if she doesn't our whole case is thrown out the window" she says.

"Tsk tsk tsk follow me to my office and we'll discuss it" I tell her she follows me into my office. She looks around awkwardly "You can have seat. Stop looking so scared I'm not going to kill you, or yell at you, or fire you, I know I'm a heartless bastard but I'm not that heartless relax." I tell her. She sighs in relief and takes a seat. She looks around at my walls as I put my things down and get situated. When I am ready to help her I turn towards he with a small smile.

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