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Kamino, 2 and a half years B.B.G.


CLASSIFICATION: Alpha Restriction

TO: Kaminoan Prime Minister

FROM: Head of Clone Assessment and Training

SUBJECT: Termination of the ARC SC batch.

I regret to report to you that after it's assessment, the batch of clone ARC Super Commandos has been deemed a threat. Reasons are:

1. Extreme Aggressiveness and directed hostilty. Due to their training in all styles of fighting and all military tactics. Also their near-perfect genetics, which display a natural aggressiveness, may be attributed to why they express such directed hostility.

2. Overly Independent. The SC batch expresses little or no allegiance to any authority other than that of their trainer, Ahnjai Onn. This disrespect for authority has produced an intolerable level of free-thinking and disobedience.

3. Training. They have been trained by Jango Fett and former Mercenary Ahnjai Onn who have taught all ten cadets the most dangerous military tactics as well as all styles of fighting.

'4. Jango Fett, the clone template, is very involved in these cadets training and has educated each to be, what he refers to as a "one man army". Under his watch they have become extremely dangerous, each with the ability to singularly take down a Jedi Master. However, they also work as a perfectly attuned team when needed.


1. Termination, seeing as all signs point to their becoming a threat at any point in time. They will not work well under any commander, even that of a Jedi, therefore it is safe to assume they are to dangerous to continue living.

2. Reconditioning. A mental re-construction could be attempted and afterward a different training implemented so as to develop more obedience with less skill. Not as likely to be effective.

3. Recruiting as a last reserve option and putting into stasis for the moment. Keeping them in stasis would restrain them from causing trouble right now, however, there is a distinct possibility they will be released and from there their actions would be totally unpredictable. Least recommended.

Submitted this day by: Head of Clone Assessment and Training, Quo, Z. L.

Unknown Regions 2 years B.B.G.

Three days stuck in space with nine other fifteen-year-old ARC Super Commando's. 02 thought he was going to go insane. Living with them on Kamino had been one thing. Living with them on a ship where you couldn't walk two meters and run into another one of your brothers, that was annoying. Then again, what did he expect? They were soldiers. 05 ran down the hallway of the ship, heading for the cargo bay and blew straight past 02. All the trooper saw of the other was a flash of white armor and black hair. Although there wasn't much to see; they all looked the same.

Wandering into the cockpit, 02 found the co-pilot's chair empty and he slid into it, looking over. 07 was still piloting, silently. 02 didn't know if he had ever heard the other teen speak a word since the day they met.

"What are we doing here again?" 02 asked. 07 didn't reply. However, from behind 02, 06 did.

"We're supposed to be doing a scouting mission. Our final training Ko Sai said."

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