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Coruscant, 0600 hours

Null waited with the other at the same meeting place as before, this time earlier in the morning so that they could meet Sira. It was nearly five minutes past time for them to meet. It was obvious she was not and overly punctual person. Null glanced up when he thought he heard on of the speeders descending and he saw a brown and silver, one man speeder descending towards them with the blue skinned Chiss woman aboard it. She parked half a block away, then ran back towards them, apologizing as she approached them. Her apology was only met with a disapproving glare from the Jedi and a half sympathetic look from the padawan. After apologies had been made and a couple of words of greeting exchanged, the Jedi outlined their day like she always did.

"I'm sending you in different teams today, one of which will have the added member of Sira. Sarge will still be accompanying me, and Ari will be going with my padawan. Bogie with Specter, Rec and Dover will still be going together, and I want Haley to team up with Null. Sira, you will join Null and Haley. Are we clear on that?"

The clones had already broken into their teams and everyone replied with, "Yes, General," with the exception of Null, and Sira. Sira ordered them to head out.

Null, Haley, and Sira headed to the next quadrant they were assigned. It went much like the day before, Sira helping them search and pointing out placed that had better potential for being Galen's hideout. They searched for hours. However, Sira made them stop around noon for lunch. Null hadn't even thought about eating; the thought had never crossed his mind, however, Sira made a point that they stop and eat something. They paused at a small joint not too far from their next search location. The man inside seemed to think it a little strange seeing a civilian woman accompanied by two clones, one of whom was an ARC, but he didn't ask any questions, staring at Null the entire time with a look of curiosity and pure fear. The ARC didn't bother to remove his helmet until they actually sat down to eat. Haley did the same, setting his helmet on the ground beside him. The sudden attention turned towards the two troopers would make any passerby think everyone there had just seen a Sith walk into the Jedi Temple. Null ignored them, though, and eventually they all stopped staring and returned to talking and eating. Sira laughed a little under her breath.

"You'd think they never saw a clone without a helmet," she said quietly. Haley looked over after letting his eyes glance over the crowd.

"They haven't," he said in a dark voice. Sira's smile fell, looking from Haley to Null. Null leaned back.

"For all they know, we're droids under those buckets," he said. "Doesn't matter, though, they won't care until after we've won the war."

Sira nodded solemnly, her expression having fallen to sympathy. Null didn't care, though. If the public never knew who he was, it was probably for the best. He watched as Sira then finished off her meal, then he grabbed his helmet, slipping it back on and Haley did the same.

"Back to work," he said, getting up. Sira tossed the trash leftover from her meal with perfect aim into a trash receptacle nearly six meters away. Null watched her do it and suddenly his eyes narrowed a bit. Either she had a lot of practice from the office, or she was more than she said. He ignored it for now, though as they moved back down the street to where they were searching next. It was an old abandoned office, now empty and cold. They mounted the stairs, splitting up to search each room in order to cover more ground. Null took the top floor, walking around quietly, yet his boots seemed to make a loud noise in the silent place, no matter how light his steps. He raised his blaster as he rounded each corner, always expecting trouble, but none ever came. Just more of the bluish-black light that streamed through blinds like light entering a half cracked eye. He went around the entire floor and found nothing, so he went down a level finding Haley had the same answer. They met up with Sira, who confirmed that the building was empty. Finishing with a second sweep of the bottom floor, they cleared the building, moving onto the next location. It was like the building before it, empty, and so was the next. Another hour of searching, and nothing.

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