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Sarge didn't stop to think what might have caused the explosion, instead he ran straight towards it. Heading straight out of the door, leaving the transmission unfinished, he chased after the sound. Running down the hall he soon found himself in G section. He raced to the end, slowing as he came upon Bogie and Bookkie's work. He should have known. A misty fog was filling the room quickly though and Sarge heard one, or maybe both of them coughing as they emerged from the thick of the smoke.

"What happened?" Sarge demanded.

Breathlessly, Bogie tried to explain, gesturing back to the open air vent and the mist, which was moving their way quickly.

"We were working on the air vent. It was inside, caught us off guard."

Sarge waved him and Bookkie back away from the off smelling smoke and green fog. They retreated back a ways. Bookkie took over the explanation.

"It was a gas chamber, sir, in the ventilation system. We activated it somehow and it set off some sort of a delayed explosion."

"How deadly is it?"

Sarge heard someone else run up behind him who answered before either twin could.

"Breath that stuff for too long and your a dead man, we've gotta clear it out."

Sarge saw Haley move toward both of the troopers. The medic slipped on his helmet, then turned to Sarge and tossed him his helmet.

"Keep that on until we get it cleared, the filters should filter out enough to keep the toxin levels down". 

"We've already breathed some, though, will it infect our systems?" Sarge asked.

Haley shook his head. "No, you haven't been exposed that long. The most that could happen is you get a bad cough if you put your helmets on now," Haley ordered. Sarge slipped his helmet on as Haley turned and started questioning the twins. He saw more of the gas creeping in around their feet though and he commanded all of them back to the control room.

"We'll seal off this section until we get it cleared," he said as they all hurried back.

Once they reached the start of the section, Sarge stopped, sealing it. Thankfully, all these sections were isolated from one another, which made containment easy. After, they returned to the control room and the conversation they had abruptly left. Sarge saw Risk waiting and he ordered the twins to keep quiet.

"Sorry for the interruption, Commander, some of my men discovered something unexpected in the ventilation systems."

"They're still alive I hope."

"Yes, sir."

Risk nodded. With nothing more to say, the Commander ended the transmission and Sarge relaxed, glancing back as he heard one of the twins cough. However, he could feel the questioning looks of all his men as he turned.

"Sir, what was the noise?" Whiplash asked.

Sarge looked around the room. "Bogie and Bookkie discovered a gas chamber in one of the ventilation shaft's and managed to set it off." Before anyone could ask, Sarge went on. "It is deadly gas, so section G is closed until we can clear it. If you have to go in there for any vital reason, wear your helmets."

Several troopers nodded and Sarge looked around, seeing if anyone else had questions. Then he walked back to where the twins were.

"You two, come with me to the supply room. We need to talk."


Bogie and Bookkie followed Sarge silently down the hall, probably awaiting their imminent lecture. However, Sarge didn't plan on giving one. They entered the room and both of them stopped, silent. Sarge fixed his eyes on both of them, folding his arms across his chest.

Star Wars The Clone Wars: Cuy'Val Dar#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now