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After Null was contacted, he agreed to join them and within the hour met them at the base. Sarge was waiting for him with the rest of the squadron. He came in the south entrance and met them in section N, near an old landing pad. When he got out there, he immediately saw that Bogie and Haley had returned, but said nothing to either. Sarge spotted the ARC after a few moments and walked over to him.

"What's the holdup?" Null asked, glancing around. "Are you waiting on someone?"

Sarge nodded, "We are. Commander Risk is sending down a Company to assist with the remainder of our mission."

Sarge thought he heard Null scoff before asking, "Why do you need the help of a Company? If I heard right, you said we were pulling an infiltration and demolitions OP."

"We are, of a droid foundry."

Null shrugged, but didn't say anything else. Sarge turned back to his men.

They waited close to another half hour before several LAAT/i transport's came into view. They landed close to the base's landing pad. Sarge ordered his men forward, then walked across the small field to one of them as the side doors opened, allowed several troopers to exit the ship. There were close to two-hundred troopers that exited the three ships. As soon as everyman was on the ground one of the men, who's armor had several distinctive red stripes painted onto it, yelled something to one of the pilots and the ship's took off again, leaving the planet. Then the trooper in the red and white armor walked up to Sarge.

"Sergeant 06," he said. Sarge snapped to attention, saluting the man.


Slowly, the trooper turned his head, looking over what remained of Mirage Squadron and Dorn Squadron.

"Are these all of your surviving men? I was informed your entire squadron had made it to this base," he asked.

"My entire squadron did survive the crash, sir. We made enemy contact and lost three men."

The trooper nodded. "At ease, Sergeant."

Sarge relaxed slightly.

"Sir, I would also like to note that we have an addition to our squadron." He looked back at Null, motioning the ARC forward. Null walked up and gave a mock, one fingered, salute. "ARC trooper SC-02 aided in the destruction of the Enemy Gun Emplacement and has agreed to join my squadron for this mission as well."

Null could feel the trooper in the red and white armor eying him warily. "Noted," the trooper finally said. Then motioned for all of Mirage and Dorn squadron to gather around.

"I want every man listening," he said, looking around. "I'm Captain Jilkes of Hornet Company. I will be leading the mission to infiltrate and destroy the Separatist Droid Foundry. Sergeant 06, I am placing you in charge of both Mirage and Dorn squadron, following the understanding that Sergeant Vesper has been confirmed K.I.A."

"Yes, sir," every man replied. Then Captain Jilkes turned specifically to Null.

"SC-02, as a Republic ranking authority, I am placing you under the command of Sergeant 06 until the completion of this mission. After the mission has been logged and reported, you are released from his commander. Am I understood?"

Null simply nodded. Jilkes then turned away and called to his own men.

"Are your men ready to move?" he asked Sarge.

"Yessir," Sarge replied.

"Good, we're leaving now," Jilkes said, then waved one hand in the air in a tight circular motion. His men fell in place and Sarge ordered his men to follow the company, however, Jilkes ordered Sarge to take the front with him. According to the documents Commander Risk had sent to Sarge before the mission, the droid foundry was closer to the base, only three quadrants away.

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