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Lwhekka, 2 months, 3 weeks A.B.G.

"How's the base looking?" Sarge asked as he stepped into one of the once empty rooms of the former Old Republic base he and his men were recommissioning while they waited to meet up with Hornet Company and another squadron. One of his men, Specter, looked up as Sarge entered.

"We've almost got all systems online. The whole thing has been wiped, but we'll have all the essentials. Air, water, food, and power. Plus, there's still weapons inside one of the storage rooms. It should all be ready when the others get here."

Sarge nodded and glanced over the trooper's shoulder to see the console Specter was working on. It showed the power grid.

"What sections are we still working on?"

"9-G and 4-G, and we're finishing repairs on 7-N"

"Who's working on 7-N?"

"The twins."

Sarge sighed internally. He really hoped they didn't mess anything up, like usual.

"How long have they been working in there?"

"Two hours, sir."

Two hours of silence. Either they were up to no good, or they were simply being quiet. Sarge had the gut feeling that they were up to no good. Despite being grown men, those two acted like cadets.

"I'm going to go check on them," Sarge said. Specter nodded, not looking up from the console as he continued to test the power.

"Might want to check on Ari in 4-G first, he was having trouble bypassing the main power matrix."

"Thank you."

Sarge left and headed down to 4-G. The main complex was not that large, no more than 200 meters in width. It was the extra sections that added the real size. There were 14, lettered G-N, and they all needed power. Weeks ago, when they first stumbled on the base, Sarge had thought they could run the base without the sections. He was proved wrong when Jordar discovered a hive matrix inside the computers.

In about ten minutes, Sarge made it to the G section and could hear the clanging of a hydrospanner against metal. He walked down to the 4th section and then he saw Ari. The trooper was on his back, on the floor, unscrewing power couplings.

"I heard you were having trouble with the bypass," Sarge said. Ari reached out, fumbling for his hydrospanner.

"Yes, sir," he said. His voice was muffled by the fact his head and torso was inside of the coupling housing.

"What's the trouble?"

"I can't get the coupling to run through anything but that power matrix."

"Did you try another source?"

"There isn't another one."

Sarge watched as Ari unscrewed another coupling. The ring was thrown gently to the floor next to a few others, then Ari slid out and sat up.

"I can't help you there, best you get Jordar," Sarge said. He didn't know that much about power, or mechanics unless it pertained to a blaster or speeder.

"I will, sir."

Ari slid back into the housing, this time with a fusion cutter. Sarge watched him a moment more.

"Can I be of any other assistance?"

"No, sir."

Sarge hung around for just a moment more, but it was soon clear that he wasn't going to be needed, so Sarge headed on over to the N section. Inside he heard sounds of someone working on an air filter. As Sarge rounded the corner he saw wires, all dead for the moment, strewn onto the floor, and couplings disassembled. Behind that mess all he could see of the trooper working on the power junction was his boots, and there was only one set.

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