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It had taken nearly two hours to reach quadrant B4, even with Specter carrying all the equipment on the speeder bike. Null didn't mind the hike, though, he had been stuck in space for longer than he took pleasure in. The twins trailed behind, seeming to tire quickly, although, their much-commiserated weariness didn't stop them from walking. Once they reached B4, Null allowed a brief rest period before they started off again. The searching wasn't too hard, considering a gun emplacement was not a small thing. Null also allowed his scanners to sweep the ground as well, making sure the droids hadn't hidden the emplacement underground. Although the man, whom Null now knew was named Sarge, hadn't told him much on the earlier journey, he had enlightened Null as to what their current mission was. For Null, it was all he needed to know. The why and how of things could come later, as long as he knew what he was doing right in that moment, he was satisfied. It didn't remedy his curiosity about the squadron, though, and as they all four searched in silence, the ARC did much thinking about why these clones were so different from the others on Kamino. His current conclusion was that the Kaminoans had somehow changed the genetics further from their original form, therefore causing these men to be less like Jango.

Its almost a pity at how obedient they are, Jango would have been disappointed to have such sons, Null thought to himself as they continued their search. He glanced to his left and saw one of the men Sarge had often referred to as "the twins." Still, he couldn't be sure which was Bogie and which was Bookkie, so he avoided the matter as often as possible.

"What's our status?" called Specter over comm. Null dragged his eyes back to his scanners, glancing at the map.

"Nearly to the border section of A4 and B4."

There was no reply from Specter. The man was brief, and Null could appreciate that. Words were not something to be wasted.

"We've got a check in with Sarge after this section is clear, right, sir?" one of the other men asked. Null dipped his head in a curt nod. The other man fell silent. Hardly a word had been spoken the entire time, and Null wasn't bothered by that. He sorted through his scans again, the information flashing past his eyes like the flash training courses on Kamino. Still no sign of any base above or below ground, simply trees, trees, and more trees.

"You think they get any rain here?" asked one of the CT/110/2's.

"You'd have to ask the natives," replied his brother. They continued back and forth, sometimes not even answering, yet seeming satisfied with the other's silence. Null turned off his comm after a few moments, adjusting his helmet. Those two were a mystery, no doubt. An alert interrupted before Null though think more on the matter, however. His eyes darted to the little red light, notifying him that they had entered the border region and there was something up ahead. Switching his comm back on, Null held up one closed fist.

"Ready your weapons, I've got an unidentified bogie on my scanners," he ordered. There was a small amount of laughter from one of the CT/110/2's which was quickly contained as the sound of blasters being readied took its place. The trees swayed a little, yet there was no sound of footsteps. Again, Null's HUD scanners beeped at him, saying the object was closer.

"Back off, protect the supplies," Null ordered. Both of the men at his side backed up while he raised one blaster on the dark space between the trees that hid whatever was advancing. As Null tensed his grip on his blaster, their enemy suddenly burst forth from the trees.


Starting a little, Null nearly fired as a confused B1 battle droid stumbled from the trees, muttering about an update and low power.

"Hold fire!" Null said quickly before any of the others could fire. There was a pause, then the muddled droid tripped itself, falling forward. Walking forward cautiously, keeping his blaster on the droid, Null approached it and rolled the machine over with his foot. It had no weapon and kept muttering about updating and nonsense.

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