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"Go," Sarge ordered quietly. He waved his men forward, through the entrance, watching each one pass. Slipping to the back, he followed them in, aware of all that was happening around him. Droids were in chaos, as planned, and had streamed towards the Power Room.

"Sir, Permission to find those computers," Jordar asked.

"Hold on, trooper, we need to make sure the coast in clear."

Sarge ordered them to make their way into the base's command center. Silently, all of them hurried down the hall, blasters raised and ready. Droids were nowhere to be seen, but their yells were amplified by the base's structure.

"Command center is just up ahead, sir," Jordar, who was in front, said as Sarge turned, checking his right for any droids. He then glanced behind him and saw the end of the corridor.

They entered the command center and fanned out into formation. Sarge noted four different hallways.

"Jordar, start slicing into that computer, the rest of you, fan our and form a defense perimeter."

Unanimously, all replied, "Sir, yes, sir."

Sarge took the corridor immediately to his left, keeping his blaster ready in front of him. He gripped the handle tightly, constantly checking his HUD sensors as he advanced down the corridor. All was silent, just the sound of his boots against the metal floor. He reached the halfway point of the hall and heard the tinny voices again. It was better if he didn't advance any further; he didn't want to draw the enemies attention. Checking his blaster's cartridge, he glanced around on careful alert. The helmet comm clicked on.

"First stage of slicing complete, sir, the beacon is off and all communications restored."

"Proceed to stage two," Sarge ordered. He readjusted his grip on his blaster, aware of his own impatience. Time was their more deadly enemy, because once it ran out, you never got it back. Sarge moved forward a few steps then check in with the others. All positions were clear, their ruse appeared to be working. How long would the droids remain distracted though?

Sarge opened up the comm channel again. "Ari, how long was that interrupter set for?"

"Ten minutes, sir. Jordar said he could slice the panel in eight."

"How long would he have if the droids fixed the interrupter?"

"About seven minutes, sir."

Sarge looked around, checking his corridor again. "Chances of the droids finding the interruptor and fixing it?"

There was comm silence for more than a minute. "Little more than 50/50, sir."

Sarge reopened the public channel. "Jordar, how close are you to stage three?"

"Two minutes, sir."

"Make it one." Sarge heard the sound of droids marching down the hall. "I think we're going to have company. Everyone retreat to the command center and prepare to hold off the droids."

The sergeant backed down the hall as the droids grew closer. He soon heard their voices clearly. The droids knew that they were here. When he reached the command center, Sarge turned and checked on Jordar's progress. Ari, Whiplash, Specter, and the others soon appeared in the command center as well.

"Sir, there's a lot of droids," stated one of the twins.

"It's been noted," Sarge said. "All of you need to get into a defensive formation around that console. Whatever you do, your job it to make sure Jordar stays alive and that console undamaged."

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