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A/N: I apologize for the last couple of chapters being so long. I'm going to try and make the next couple short, however, due to the nature of the book, there's gonna be a lot of long ones so please bear with me. I didn't realize how long this book was getting until just the other day, and I'm not even to chapter ten! So, I'll work to make shorter chapters if you'll suffer with me through the long ones. Thanks for all the amazing support! May you all have a blessed day! 

 Quadrant B1, 1300 hours

Haley had sat there for nearly three and a half hours, still waiting for Bogie to wake up. He began to realize that if all he did was sit there, it might be days before he actually did anything. Getting up, the medic decided it was best if he checked on the trooper. His check provided little, however, just the same facts he already knew. Returning to where he had been sitting, the medic returned to his former activity. During the three hours, he had managed to keep an eye for the droids but had been rewarded by not seeing any. As for the battlefield, Sarge, and his men had cleaned up well and only a few droid bodies were left, hidden in the grass.

After a few moments, Haley heard a soft noise and he turned. Shocked, the medic saw Bogie was awake and slowly sitting up. Shooting onto his feet, Haley then reminded himself that he had to be careful. Cautiously, he walked over to the trooper, who was still getting reoriented. He saw the medic approaching, though, and looked up as Haley drew closer. There was an odd dullness to the man's expression and he simply stared up at Haley. The medic sat down, facing Bogie, who looked away.

"How do you feel?" Haley asked the trooper. There wasn't any response. Haley repeated the question and got the same silent. It was unnerving, but Haley was trained to deal with unnerving. Instead, he decided to try a different tactic. The mind was a delicate thing, and when dealing with trauma, sometimes direct didn't always work.

"Bogie,—" Haley said. The man looked up. "—are you feeling okay?"

"No," Bogie said. Even the life was drained from his voice, which became deadpan and empty. Haley nodded and tried to think what he should ask the trooper next. It was obvious there was damage, but he didn't know to what extent.

"Can you answer some questions for me?" he finally said.


Haley looked the trooper in the eyes, although Bogie wouldn't make eye contact with the medic.

"Do you remember what happened before you lost consciousness?"


"Are you aware of its cause?"


Haley paused, he was supposed to ask what Bogie thought had caused it, but he decided not to for the moment.

"Are you physically injured?"


"Are you injured?"


"Thank you."

Haley watched as Bogie's eyes turned to the former battlefield like he was looking for someone. He half wondered what the man was feeling, but decided he didn't really want to know. There was a long pause as Haley considered what to do next. There were many outcomes for this situation, and for the moment, Haley couldn't predict any of what Bogie might do. Observing was all the medic could do for the moment. He sat back and watched the trooper as Bogie shifted, his eyes still roaming the empty battlefield.

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