he tells you he loves you

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   You flopped onto the couch next to Anakin. You both were training and were really exhausted.
"Hey (Y/N)... Can I have a talk with you?" asked Anakin his cheeks a little pink.
"Of course, Ani!" You say.
"Well I was just wondering.... What would you do if someone fell in love with you...?" He asked. You thought about it for a while.
"Well it would depend on who it would be... And how much I love them." You replied.
" (Y/N).... I think I have fallen in love with you..." said Anakin, his cheeks all red. You blushed and looked down. You have had a crush on Anakin for a while, but what would would you do about the code?
" I think I love you too, Anakin." you said. You gently kissed his cheek and walked off into the training room.
Anakin softly touched the spot where you kissed him and blushed as you disappeared.

Obi Wan:
You turned off your lightsaber and collapsed in exhaustion on the floor. Master Obi Wan came over and knelt down and felt your forehead.

"Tired, are we?" said Obi Wan. He felt your forehead and blushed at the closeness of him. Over the few months of him training you, you started falling in love with your young Master. He carried you over to a bed and layer you down.
"You're running a fever, (Y/N)." He went over to the cupboards of your apartment and found some medicine that he gave you to drink. You took it and felt a little better. Obi Wan sat beside you and ran his fingers through your hair, causing you to blush. He smiled at you.
"I hope you get better, my young Padawan." He said. You slowly drifted off to sleep. But you were awake enough to feel your Master kiss you softly on the forehead.
"I love you, (Y/N)..." He said squeezing your hand.
"I love you too Master." You muttered and fell asleep.
Obi Wan smiled at you and glanced at you for one last time and shut the door softly, leaving you for a peaceful sleep.

   You claimed in tho spaceship with Luke to leave Dagobah. You squeezed on your helmet and buckled your seat.
"Ready to fly, (L/N)?" He asked you. You rolled your eyes.
"I was born ready, Skywalker." You told him, smirking. Luke smiled at you and buckled his seat.
"Uh.. (Y/N)? I just want to tell you something before we face our deaths." said Luke, a serious look on his face.
"Okay Skywalker, hurry it along, we don't have all day." You say. Luke grabs your hand and squeezes it comfortingly. Your face turns a small bit of pink. You've developed a soft spot for Luke while you both were training. He smirks at you.
"I really like you, (Y/N), and I just want do this before we possibly die." said Luke. He leaned over and kissed you softly on the lips. You pulled away and hugged him tightly.
"I love you, Skywalker."
"I love you too,(L/N)."

A/N: Happy Star Wars day, everyone! May the Fourth be with you!! I decided to update on today cuz it's Star Wars day so ya.❤️~Magysta.

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