you get sick

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You knew you shouldn't have eaten that much food at that restaurant. The food was way too oily, but it tasted sooo good. But, of course, your stomach had to punish you for eating like that. You were sleeping beside Anakin, when you felt your stomach hurting really, really bad. You rushed to the bathroom, leaning over the toilet. Out went your delicious lunch- and the rest of the day's meals. Anakin heard you and rushed over to your side, rubbing your back comfortly.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine after you throw up everything," said Anakin, while holding you hair back. Him mentioning throwing up just made you even more sick.

"Ugh...." you muttered, wrapping your hands around your stomach and grimaced. Anakin emerged from the fridge with a cup of ice water and a pill.

"Drink the water slowly and take the pill eventually. You'll feel fine," he said, rubbing your back.

"Thank you!~" you cooed, kissing Anakin on the cheek.

Obi Wan:

"Urghh," you groaned, as you sat tucked in bed, with a high fever. A thermometer stuck out of your mouth, the red mercury inside looking like it would burst. You probably got a severe cold after going on a mission to a super cold planet, and didn't wear the proper clothing.

"I told you you should've worn the big jacket!" said, Obi Wan, rushing all around the apartment gathering medicine and anything you wanted.

"I'm sorry! I just underestimated the coldness!" you replied with a pout, sinking deeper into your bed. Your nose was red, and so were your ears. You could barely say a sentence without sniffling through the whole thing. Obi Wan let out a deep sigh and sat beside you, holding a spoon filled with cough syrup. You made a face and turned your head away.

"Open up, sweets," he said, bringing the spoon close to your mouth. Reluctantly, you opened your mouth and swallowed the sticky medicine.

"Bleh," you said," I'm never getting sick again."

"I don't want you to," said Obi Wan, dryly.

"I hate you."

"I love you too."


All through the house rang your sneezes. You were the only one here, because Luke was out on a mission. You somehow fell sick, so now you sat alone on the couch, various medicines sitting beside you. You missed Luke, you really did, but you knew you could take care of yourself perfectly fine.

"I can do this," you muttered to yourself, getting up and making yourself a bowl of macaroni and cheese.

You got startled by a loud slam on the door, and you swished around, a hand on the handle of the lightsaber. You calmed down when you saw that it was just Luke, huffing and breathing heavily.

"Luke? Why are you home so soon?" you asked, waving a mixing spoon around.

"I heard you were sick, so I rushed to come back to see you," he said, making you laugh.

"I just have a small cold! I know how to handle myself, ya know," you said," Thanks for worrying about me though!" Luke sighed and plopped down on the couch. He looked disappointed that he couldn't help you. With a chuckle, you decided to let him help you.

"Luke? I'm feeling a bit tired, can you finish making thi-"

"Of course!" he said, jumping up and taking the mixing spoon from you," Go rest on the couch, I'll finish this quick!" He had a wide smile on his face. You smiled and proceeded to the couch, totally forgetting about how Luke had no idea how to cook.

A/n: Sorry for the delayed update! School starts for me tomorrow so... >~< ~Magysta

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