he accidentally hurts you

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You and Anakin were dueling for practice at the training room. You swing your lightsaber at his arm, which was covered by armor, of course. He deflected it effortlessly and accedently scored the small of your shoulder where the armor didn't cover. You instantly dropped your lightsaber and covered your shoulder with your hand, making blood cover your whole hand. Anakin threw his lightsaber and rushed over to you, his eyes brimming with tears.

"Oh my gosh... (Y/N)... I'm so sorry!" said Anakin, rummaging around for bandages. Soon enough, he found a wrap and bandaged your shoulder, making the pain start to secede. You smiled weakly at him.

"I'll be fine Anakin," You said trying to reassure him. He buried his face in his hands. He carried you bridal style to your bedroom and set you down on the bed.
"Get well soon, (Y/N) he said placing a small kiss on your nose.

Obi Wan:
You and your Master landed on a planet covered with Lava. You saw Anakin with his eyes yellow and his brown locks matted against his forehead.

"I HATE YOU!" Screamed Anakin at Obi Wan.

"You were like my brother! I loved you!" shouted Obi Wan, with tears in his eyes.

You shot up out of your bed and screamed, causing a worried Master to run into your room tripping over your lightsaber and falling on you. You groaned in pain.

"Sorry (Y/N)!! Are you alright? I heard you scream and I rushed over here!" said Obi Wan, rushed. Tears started streaming down your face as you buried your faces in his neck.

"It was a dream..." You said," Anakin was... *hic* you were..." You sobbed softly, wetting his Jedi robes. He slowly stroked your hair.

"It's okay, (Y/N), it was just a dream," said Obi Wan softly, whispering into your ear. Your stomach cramped in pain from when Obi Wan fell on you. You pulled away from your Master and sat in the couch clutching your stomach.

"You can rest today, my young Padawan." He said. You smiled.

"Thanks Master."

You and Luke were on a Death Star trying to foil the Dark Side's plans, as always. You were sneaking around a corner alone when you felt the cold metal of a blaster on your forehead.

"Move, you die." Says the bounty hunter, Boba Fett. You clenched your teeth and saw that another soldier put a blaster up to Luke's head as well.

The soldier led you to a room that looked much like a jail. They shoved both of you into a small cell and locked the door. Luke fell backward me and knocked you into the bars. You let out a small 'ouch' and rubbed your already bruised arms. Luke huddled in a corner with his arms around his legs. You walked over to him and sat next to him.
"I'm such a failure...!" He said, tears brimming in his eyes,"I was going to save Han and Leia!! Then we ended up on here!!!!" Cried Luke. You gently rubbed his back.
"You're not a failure, Luke," you said, smiling weakly," We'll get out of here!" You kissed his cheek and started devising a plan to leave.

A/N: OMG Luke's is so bad! I was running out of ideas and just wanted to get this published so ya. ❤️~Magysta

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