he takes you on vacation

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Obi Wan decided to let you two have a break, so you both decided to travel back to Naboo to relax on the wonderful beaches there. When you arrived at your destination, you set out a beach towel on the sand and laid down. Anakin just sat down on the towel looking around him warily.
"Anakin...? Whats wrong?" you asked, glancing at him.
"I don't like sand... It reminds me of Tatooine," he said, pouting. You sighed and stood up.
"Looks like I'm gonna carry you to the water then, Ani." He looked at you with a confused face. You literally picked up Anakin, much to his protests, and marched into the water.
"(Y/n)..! Put me down!" He said. At this point, you reached the water. You dropped him into the water, giggling. His head emerged from the water, and he grabbed you and pulled you inside as well. All in all, you two had the best time together.

Obi Wan:
You and Obi Wan were exhausted from the weeks missions, and you decided to take the weekend off. But the problem was, you didnt know where to go. You wanted you and Obi to have an enjoyable vacation, and you paced around the room, frantically thinking of places to go.

"What to do...Where to go..." You muttered as you ran your hands through your hair. Obi Wan calmly watched you from a distance. He then suddenly appeared behind you and wrapped his hands around your waist. This action made you stop in your tracks, staying completely still.
"How about we just stay here and relax, (y/n)?" Obi suggested, kissing the side of your face.
"U-uh okay, that would be fine.." You said, with a faint blush on your cheeks. For the rest of the weekend you two watched movies and just cuddled with each other.

   Luke took you to see his old planet, Tatooine.
"Cover your eyes, (y/n)! There's a sand storm coming!" cried Luke, who was shielding his own eyes. You held your hand up to your eyes as the coarse sand blew on the rest of your body. The two suns were shining high in the sky, as you longed to find air conditioning. Eventually, you reached Mos Eisley Spaceport, and sat down to enjoy some food. Luke put an arm around your shoulder and smiled his adorable smile.
"You liking it here? It's a bit to sandy, dontcha think?" said Luke.
"Yup. Just a tad bit sandy." You both laughed. Luke leaned in and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
"Thanks for tagging along, (y/n)!"
"Of course, Luke!" You and him spent a few more days at Tatooine and looked at the sights, and even attending a podrace! You and Luke had the time of your lives.

A/n: okay I'm really sorry these are short, I need to update the rest of my fanfiction and my life is not going well, so I'm grabbing as much opportunities as I can to squeeze I my writing!!
🙃~ Magysta

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