he goes shopping with you

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You decided to go clothes shopping with your boyfriend. When you asked Anakin, he happily agreed. You just entered a mall, hand in hand with Anakin. You started looking at clothes, when you beloved boyfriend vanished from your sight. You instantly panicked, but you sensed that he was in the store. You went into a shop that sold.... Bras?!?! There you saw your boyfriend standing there gaping at all of the bras.

"I wonder how (y/n) would look in these..." You heard him mutter. A tick mark grew on your head as you cracked your knuckles.

"Oh Ani~!" You sang in a sing song voice. He turned around and blushed darkly. You pulled him out by the ear, and made a mental note not to bring Anakin to shop with you ever again.

You went into the Jedi robes shop to buy better ones for you and your master. Obi Wan just casually was standing there watching you file through the clothes.

A while later you came over to him with dozens of different robes, making him sweatdrop.

"Try these on, Master!!" You told him, smiling sweetly. He sighed and went into the fitting rooms, knowing that he can't ever deny your smile.

Despite his protests, you dragged your whining boyfriend to the store to buy groceries.

"Why do we need to go shopping?" He asked in a whiny voice which made you roll your eyes.

"Because we need food, idiot!" You told him, putting a bunch of fruits and stuff in the cart.

"What about some junk food?" He asked, looking at you with puppy dog eyes. You couldn't help but agree and threw a bunch of junk food in the cart, which you later ate while watching a movie together.

A/n: Hallo everyone! These are getting stupider each time XD. ❤️~Magysta

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