you get nightmares

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The background was a fiery red, you were standing in front of your beloved, tears streaming down your face.

"Who are you and what have you done with Anakin?!" You screamed," Anakin, please don't leave me!" Anakin just stood in front of you with a stoic expression.

"Come with me, darling. We can rule the galaxy together. I now have powers that the Jedi could never have given me,"he said. He reached a hand out to you. Your knees buckled and you fell to the ground, truly heartbroken.

"A-Ani.. I just can't," you whimpered. Anakin growled and looked down.

"If you disagree... You are now my enemy," he said. And with that he reached out his hand and force choked you, making you knock yo the ground, unconscious.

You woke up with tears falling down your cheeks, and a cold sweat as you breathed heavily. You turned to see Anakin sleeping soundly beside you, looking as peaceful as ever. You tried holding back your tears, but they just kept falling.

Sensing your disrupted state, Anakin woke up and cupped your face with his hand.

"(Y/n)? Another nightmare?" He asked, wiping away your tears with his thumb.

"Yeah," you replied," Promise me you will never leave me, Ani."

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere," he said, bringing you close to him. You hugged him tight, your nails digging into his skin. With his hands around your waist, Anakin laid down, bringing you with him. For the rest of the night, you slept soundly in his muscular arms, hoping that he would be with you forever and always.

Obi Wan:

Obi Wan was dueling with Anakin. No, it wasn't just a friendly training battle, it was the real deal. You had no choice to stay there and watch. You wanted to aid Obi, but your body just wouldn't move.

"Obi Wan!!! Anakin!! Stop this foolishness!" You cried. The fiery planet made you sweat buckets, and crying didn't help your current state.

Finally when your body let you move, Anakin swung his light saber, cutting off one of Obi's arms, the light saber falling with it. Ani then cut of his remaining limbs and left him to burn. You ran over to your former master and shook him endlessly.

"Obi!!! Don't leave me!!" You cried, tears spilling onto his burning body, making little sizzling sounds. All you could see now was pitch black, and the face of Anakin looming over you.

"Your beloved master is dead. Surrender to the dark side, (y/n)."

"No!!" You yelped, sitting up straight on your shared bed. You immediately turned to Obi and cupped his face with your hands, and felt around to make sure all of his limbs were still attached.

Upon hearing your whimpers, Obi Wan finally woke up, and brushed your hair out of your face.

"Shh, it's all okay, honey," he said.

"Gosh, I don't know what I'll do if I found you dead," you said, through hiccups. You kissed him, and gave him a bone crunching hug after.

"Don't worry, I'm still here. I'all always be here for you, sweetie," he said, kissing your forehead," Now let's go to sleep."

And so you slept soundly, your back against his bare chest.


You were in a blank white room, strapped to a metal chair. There was a sign that read;

'Torture room'

'What the hell am I doing here,,' you thought. Suddenly, you heard deep, shallow breathing. That sound could only come from one person.

Yes, the one and only Darth Vader appeared in front of you, his black suit shining in the bright white light.

"You're a nuisance, (y/n). You deserve a punishment from the first order," he said.

A latch opened up in front of you, and your boyfriend appeared in front of you, his mouth duck taped shut and his arms and legs were tied up.

" What are you going to do to him?!" You snapped, wearing a both worried and angry expression on your face.

"You'll see!" He said. He then disappeared and in his place stood a large needle.

"3...2...1," a robotic voice said. The needle was driven right into Luke's heart.

You awoke with a bloodcurdling scream, startling Luke and waking him up as well.

"(Y/n)! What's wrong?" He said, frantically," are you hurt?"

"J-just a nightmare," you said. You put a hand on his chest, where his heart is. You choked out a sob and laid your head on his chest. He put a hand behind your head and pressed you against his chest.

"Hey... it's alright," he said, rubbing your back.

"Thank goodness your okay," you cried, running your hands around his chest, and finally falling asleep, with Luke's strong arms wrapped around you, keeping you safe.

A/n: finally got to publish this!! You see, I'm in India, and we didn't have wifi for a while, but now I do!! So yay!!!

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