valentines day special!

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You sighed as you thought to yourself.

'This is the first year in actually not single on Valentine's Day!'

You thought about your handsome boyfriend and your cheeks instantly warmed.

"(Y/n)!!!!!!" Said Anakin in a sing song voice. You giggled and walked over to him. He took your hand and kissed it, making you blush. He sure was acting different today. The brunette pulled you over and sat you down on the couch and disappeared behind a door, leaving you confused.

Soon enough, Anakin appeared from the room, his hands behind his back.

"Happy Valentine's Day honey!" He said, with a charming smile. The Jedi pulled out a bouquet of roses and a box of heart shaped chocolates from behind his back. You gasped and fangirled in your head about how pure and adorable he was. You wrapped you arms around his neck and kissed him on the nose.

"Aniiiiiii!!!" The said boy laughed and kissed you. The rest of the night was just eating dinner and watching a romantic movie, while snuggling and eating chocolate.~

Obi Wan:
You stared at your reflection in the mirror, as you were getting ready to go out to dinner with Obi today. After trying out multiple dresses, you finally chose a light pink, long sleeved dress that had the shoulders cut off. You put a pin in your hair and walked out to see Obi, in a white suit and his hair slicked back. Something was off with him though... Wait a minute.

"WHERES YOUR BEARD?" You shrieked. A blush spread across your masters face as he scratched the back of his head.

"I desired to shave it off. It will grow back anyways," he calmly replied. You studied the Jedi's new face. He looked much younger and..cuter. You chuckled and looped your hands through his.

"You look adorable! Now let's head to dinner." You two lovebirds walked down the street, hand in hand, to a fancy restaurant where you ate a delicious dinner while chatting about the little things in life.

In the end, you walked back to your apartment, and Obi gave you a small kiss goodnight and you both fell asleep, hugging each other.

"How many time do I have to tell that kid to stop eating all the ice cream..." you said to yourself. You had sent out Luke to restock the ice cream he had eaten over the weekend.
"Why is he taking so long?" You said to your birds this time, who just screeched at you in reply.
Twenty minutes later, you started to become worried. What if he got lost in the store? Just because he saved the galaxy doesn't mean he's bright... Anyways, you finally heard a knock on the door. You ran up to the door and swung it open.
"It's about time you-" you stopped mid-sentence and your jaw dropped. Luke's shirt was unbuttoned, showing his chest and he had a rose in his mouth, along with a bag of ice cream in his hand, and a small black box.
"I made you breathless.~" he said, making the rose fall on the floor., which pretty much ruined the moment but you still tried to hide you blush but failed and Luke took out the small box. He opened it and you saw a small pair of earrings that were in the shape of the rebel alliance logo.
"L-Luke! I love you so much!!!" You tackled him in a hug and he put them on your ears.
"You look gorgeous," he said," Now lets go watch anime together while eating all this ice cream."
"Sound like a plan," you said, with a wide smile.

A/n: LOOKS WHOS BACK FROM THE DEAD! Ok I actually get t stuff for Valentine's Day and I feel accomplished with myself. ANYWAYS! I hope you guys like these small stories about my bois! OMG 2k READS?! I feel special. YOU ALL MEME SO MUCH TO ME OK! ~Magysta❤️

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