To Whom it May Concern: Depression and Suicide

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Well fuck... I'm going to give you a video of myself and please watch it, but I'm camera shy so here's also what I want to say:

I don't understand that being depressed or suicidal is gross. Being depressed or suicidal is a serious thing. and it pisses me off. It makes me upset because my school put up hearts everywhere, each heart represents 50 and people talking about how it's "gross" makes me want to scream and throw things. And people have different taste in music. Their music makes people happy and make them feel different. Music is there for you when no one is there. People should stop fucking judging before I yell at them. Just hearing people say that being depressed and suicidal is gross makes me want to scream at them.

Note: the sure for asthma is not, "just breathe!", and the cure for cancer is not, "stop growing those cells!" similarly, the cure for depression is not, "just be happier!", and the cure for anxiety is not "stop worrying so much!" these are not phases of life for a teenagers and the weak-minded - they are serious and chronic medical illnesses.

No one should be treated like shit. Every single one of you are amazing and rare in your own way. You all need to be protected. You are someone's Queen/King. You mean a lot to someone. You should never be treated like shit. You need to be treated like the Queen/King you are. I know you need to be protected because you are all so rare, amazing, gorgeous/handsome, and perfect.

You guys think you don't need it but just in case because I really care about you guys, you don't think I do, but I really do:
Suicide hotline:  1 (800) 273-8255  

Use it or not, but I care about all of you. I hate seeing depression and suicide everywhere but here. If you haven't watched the video now, please do. I care about you a lot.

But here's one more thing I need to say...


To Whom it May ConcernWhere stories live. Discover now