To Whom it May Concern: Religon

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Do not, I REPEAT, do NOT force religion on someone. And, people can believe in god, WITHOUT going to church. For example, moi. My brother is very religious. He would put on movies about Jesus, keeps telling/asking me to go to this Christian (Catholic???) camp for the weekend. I went once and I HATED it. I was miserable tbh. I was sick, they forced me to go. We'd wake up early, I couldn't eat certain things, and tbh, I'm VERY antisocial. So he's pressuring me to go to something I didn't enjoy the first time.

Then, he wants me to go to church. We always go early and I always had to wear an uncomfortable dress. And my mom taught me to be polite and it is IMPOSSIBLE to not fall asleep there. It's not good to force religion on people. It's okay to be gay, an atheist, Christian, Catholic, or whatever religion. And people, you can be gay, bi, straight, transsexual, whatever  you are, to believe in god. Yes, it is a sin, but if you ask for forgiveness, it will be okay (as it actually says in the Bible).

You make people uncomfortable if you keep forcing it on people. They will end up not talking to you. If you have children, let them believe in what they want. All kids don't want to be pressured into things. Like me for example, I'm pressured for a lot of things and I try my very best to ignore it. It's hard but I do it. I always feel uncomfortable when my brothers do that. My grandparents, every time I visit, they make us listen to the Bible readings and forces us to go to church early in the morning. We're teens, scientifically, we need more sleep which is why we sleep longer than adults and babies. It's part of growing.

But forcing religion, it's like (not saying it is) forcing people to do drugs. Honestly, I have so much to say but I can't put it in words correctly or people just simply won't understand. Just it's as simple, people are idiots when it comes to religion.


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