Authors Note

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He guys. So we're gonna kick it into serious mode for a sec. A while back I wrote a story that this one was a small rewrite of. Its called the truth that lies beneath. I know dumb name. I was 13 when I wrote it. Came up with it I'm the living room just sitting g there staring into space and them boom!!! There it is. and I never thought clearly about many details and although many people loved it others tell me that when it came to Heather and merida, I turned Hiccup and Astrid into bullies, when my intention was that the only reason they fought her is because she was trying to break them up. They of course didn't like that. She tried many things multiple times they got annoyed and wanted it to be over so they could be in their relationship in peace. And I really don't care what people think but I've had enough of people telling me I screwed up and that I made them something they aren't. But let's not forget they are vikings. They carry weapons. They used to kill dragons. Hiccup changed that. Also let's not forget he punched snotlout!!! And Astrid is just straight up violent. Does anyone remember her being violent at all when they were 15? And her excuse being. " its communication" ? No one? Alright...

Look hate me if you guys want but when I hear people saying these things and they keep saying this after I explain I get a little mean. I'm sorry if I sound too harsh but they are vikings Hiccup was never cruel but he punched snotlout in the new season. And Astrid was always a little on the harsh side. I mean you don't have to agree but its how I feel . and this time I just got a little too fed up with the same old comment. That I'd explained to other people a ton of times. I love you guys because you're so sweet and I'm glad barely anyone reads this because you understand that the characters aren't mine but I'm trying to make the story as good as I can without going to far away from how they act. You understand that,and I love you guys for it.

Idk if I keep them close enough to how they are do I?

Am I a bad writer?

Was I being too rude to this person in the comments?

Please tell me what you guys think please.

I need to know if when I go to delete that one, off I need to delete this too.

The pic is my response to them. The first time another person said it I let it slide and just laughed at them like: "wow you have no idea how hilarious it is that you think I freaking care" and. Explained that it said she thought. She was delusional. I could have been two hours. One day. No one knows that is the point. Literally the line is

"What I thought " not what is. And I've explained that and this time it just ticked me off like sorry dude but up yours. Yes I know he's a troll but I'm really tired of it. Just please help me restore my faith in this fandom because apparently its based on true Viking facts now?

Sorry again if I sound too harsh guys. Just please don't judge me until you know exactly why I responded like that. I hope you guys will understand but if you don't its okay, I just wanted people to know that its a small mistake...


Hiccup x Astrid Just a dreamWhere stories live. Discover now